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They stood within Midree forest, overlooking the capitol. As they walked closer to the tunnel that Altheia had told them about. She looked at it, after nine years of running and trying to bury her past here she was again.

"Remember to do it all once when we unleash the signal." She said as she entered the tunnel. Grace and Mia along with seven other people came with her.

As they walked through the tunnel, images from nine years ago flashed through her head. Feeling herself hyperventilating the deeper they went in. Slowly coming to the fork where they have to crawl to be able to reach the armoury. Kicking the door that was behind the shield caused the shield to fall, alerting those who were close to the armoury.

Those knights who were within the palace did not notice the poisoning slowly weakening their body as they thought it was a simple flu. The poison that they had in their system for the last six months really weakened and slowed them down making it easier to disarm and attack them. Simply evading and attacking their pressure points to knock them out.

"That was easier than expected." Mia said as she took out the customised arrow with a firecracker attached to the end and her bow and proceeded to tread towards the nearest tower, Ethan and Nixon going with her.

While remaining proceeded to separate to sabotage the palace's defences. Some disarmed the catapults and ballistas by the walls, as well as the winglike contraptions that they saw in the armoury. While waiting for the signal the others disarmed the weakened knights quietly as possible so as not to alarm the remaining guards about their presence before their troops could enter the Inner walls of the Capitol.

Seeing the signal and hearing the explosive sound in the air, all hell broke loose. Everyone in the Lower wall proceeded to attack the midwall gates, those protecting the gates were overpowered as those within the midwall also started to attack them until they successfully opened the gate. Those within the upper wall were also caught by surprise as the noble families ended up having a civil war between themselves, others defending the gates while others fighting to open it and trying to open the gates of the palace. It was easily opened as those who were not with the resistance felt the effects of the poison wearing them down.

The chaos ensuing caused a stir with those within Palais du Vitrolly, confused as to how did they enter the palace and why were the defences not working. All those banging on the doors of the palace as the knights within tried to barricade the gates that lead to the palace.

Mia about to go out and help those by the gates were cornered by Luna and her troops. Seeing her traitor of a friend, made her eyes go dark as she remembered those who died in Langen Citadel due to her betrayal.

"Mia? You're still alive?" Luna asked in shock to see her old friend alive and well.

"Surprise, traitor." Was Mia's cold reply before launching an attack to Luna who parried the attack with her sword. Fending them off and keeping them distracted from going out to help with the defences.

Luna's eyes darkened and proceeded to give off powerful blows and swings. While Mia was aiming for the kill to avenge both Saxon and Leo for their deaths due to this traitor. While they were fighting, Mia's eyes were filled with rage that Luna answered with her own cold gaze. Mia felt as though she never knew Luna at all especially with the expression she had now, were all those years they spent really a hoax?

While Luna felt guilty as she bore into Mia's angry ones. She had treated them as a second family. If only they had not rebelled against her father they could have been sisters. Aella especially, if she just wasn't Altheia Fridur they could have continued being friends, but she was the only one that hindered her father from getting what he wanted.

Altheia, and her companions on the other hand had finished disabling all the defences on the Castle's gates. Using the explosives she got from the armoury, igniting it before throwing it to those who barricaded the heavy metallic gates of the Palace. Killing those who were barricading it before Aubrianna and her group went to open the gates.

Soon after the gates were open, victory was easier as they had outnumbered and outskilled all the weakened people within the palace. Altheia comes to Mia's rescue to help turn the tables on her stalemate battle with Luna. She didn't feel any type of care or value towards Luna at this point. She could die for all she cared, she did not care if they were friends or who she really was at this point. A traitor would be a traitor and deserves to be killed. Stabbing Luna while giving her a final hug as a closure to her treachery and to the end of their friendship. Leaving Luna to die on the floor as she settled her gently into a wall before proceeding to help the others.

They had killed those who tried to kill them and knocked out those who missed in attacking. Other knights fainting on their own as they felt over fatigued with the poison in their system.

Altheia had run to the throne room where she knew Myrkur was. The knights that were with Myrkur dred their swords ready to fight while their brother Myrkur had only looked at Altheia and smiled as the Azaleas cornered them. Looking around as though assessing the chances of winning, as he scanned the room before his eyes landed on Altheia again.

"I resign." Was all he said while holding his hands up with an amused smile. His men turned to look at him in horror, after all the trouble they had to go through just to conquer Qaeven, Myrkur was just going to surrender like that.

"No point fighting now, is there? It's checkmate at this point." Was all he said as he looked towards Altheia's direction. His voice hinted with amusement as he removed his sword that hung from his waist and proceeded to kneel in surrender. His brothers followed his lead though with disgust and anger written all over their faces.

Altheia looked at him confused, surely he was not just going to surrender like that. The members of the Azaleas carefully approached them, and proceeded to tie their hands behind their backs. Forcing them to stand before they dragged them away to the dungeons, all of them cheered as they had finally overthrown Myrkur and returned the monarchy to its original leader.

While everyone was cheering, Altheia had a smile on her face. She could not believe it was over, finally she had won her home with a couple of help. She went outside to the castle terrace, Myrkur and his brothers being dragged along with them.

"Tell them to surrender and drop their weapons." Altheia said as she held a knife towards Myrkur's neck. He answered with a smile and a raised eyebrow as though asking why she did not want to watch the chaos and blood bath to continue.

Holding the dagger to his neck nearly choking him, until he gave up and exhaled. Looking into her eyes with amusement in them before saying. "The fight is over, drop your weapons and surrender."

The moment his voice echoed throughout the courtyard, everyone was frozen in place. All those under his command that still had the strength to fight, dropped their weapons in surrender. Those closest to them immediately knocked them out, which was the same thing that Altheia did to Myrkur once everyone had dropped their weapons.

Everyone cheering upon the victory they had of reconquering the Palace, winning Langen and Maehony would be easier now that they had three of the major cities back. Altheia watched as they dragged Myrkur out of the terrace and looked back to those down below who were celebrating. She could feel her eyes tearing up as she felt happiness and warmth slowly spreading throughout her body.

Amidst the celebration and cheers from all around her she felt a pair of eyes looking at her. Turning her head to look at the hallway behind her, seeing only people celebrating, wondering why despite winning and feeling happy that she could not erase the feeling as though someone was watching her.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now