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The smell of lavenders along with the earthy scent that crept to her nose, made her smile unconsciously. The chirps of birds and the sounds of the rustling grass as the breeze gently weaved past them were what had awakened Aella. Keeping her eyes closed as she felt the soft grass beneath her fingertips, the warm and gentle blow of the wind on her skin, and the sun's warm kiss on her skin.

That made her feel relaxed and at peace, with a content smile on her face she felt herself just wanting to lay down there until the dusk came. In those halcyon days she had missed so much. Not a single worry in the world where she could just continuously drift into slumber.

A frown suddenly crept up to her mouth as she suddenly opened her eyes, only to see the bright blue sky with fluffy cumulus clouds that slowly passed across the sky. Sitting up as her hand fell to her waist to where her dagger usually was, only finding empty space and the soft feel of silk that hugged her waist. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion of where her weapon was, and where she was.

Looking around she had found herself in a field of Lavenders, seeing the red and purple flowers stretching far and wide across her. The brown soil underneath was decorated with the green leaves of the lavenders, at the other side of the field a forest. She remembers this field, it was the field that her family used to go to whenever they wanted to get out of the palace and just enjoy like a regular family.

What was she doing here though? This was far from Hopeshire fortress. Did she hit her head or something, or did she actually die? That was impossible though, she only had a broken leg and she could not have possibly died because of a broken bone. Her recollection of Hopeshire was blurry as though it was all a dream that was slowly becoming a by-gone memory within her mind. Uncertainty crept through her as she was sure that the events in Hopeshire did really happen, yet why could she not remember it clearly?

"Altheia!" Her ears perked up at the sound of someone calling her by her real name. Her heart raced and she felt her eyes feel hot as she recognized that voice, it had been years since she heard it but she was certain of who it belonged to.

"There you are." She turned to the direction of the voice, coming face to face with one of the men she had missed dearly.

"Father?" Her voice was soft and barely audible as she stared at the man approaching her.

Unable to react due to seeing that her father was there as though he hadn't aged a day. She continued to stare at the man that looked like her father as he drew closer.

"I thought I told you not to go too far?" His voice sounded stern as he stopped in front of her.

He sat beside her with a worried look seeing that she was just silently staring at him and questioned her, " Altheia? Are you feeling unwell, sweetheart?"

She ignored his question as gazed upon him, slowly reaching out her hand to touch her father's face to make sure it really was him and this was not another hallucination she was having. She felt his warm skin as her fingers traced his face, feeling his stubble and firm skin. Her vision turned blurry as she felt her nose feel raw as she inhaled deeply trying to stop her tears and failing as warm liquids slowly ran down her cheeks as she smiled at her father before she hugged him tightly as she sobbed. Her father, taken aback by the action, slowly patted Aella on the back trying to comfort his youngest.

"You're actually here." She whispered in between sobs.

Her father chuckled softly before saying in a reassuring tone. "Of course, I am here, where else would I be? Did you think I'll allow you to get lost? I'll always find you no matter what."

Her joy in seeing her father had distracted her from her raging thoughts about the Azaleas, and Hopeshire. She hugged him tightly, afraid that if she were to let go he would disappear and she would be left all alone again.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now