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The sound of objects moving about was what had awoken Altheia. Keeping her eyes closed as she listened intently, she could hear indistinct chatter from outside as well as the numerous footfalls that could be heard from where she was. Trying hard to keep her breathing the same rhythm and depth of one that was sleeping. When she heard the sound of the tent's flaps opening and closing with the sound of retreating pace, her eyes shot open trying to find where she was.

Sitting up right as she looked around trying to figure out where she was, but suddenly feeling lightheaded as soon as she was able to sit down. Surveying her surroundings, it was a tent bigger than theirs back in the camp in Midree woods, she could see a table laid out a few inches away from her.

Standing up, trying to steady herself, her hand flying to her forehead as she could feel it pounding. Her body felt heavy for some reason, her arms and legs felt weak as though it had been encased in a metal container. Her breath felt warm on her mouth and it made her nose feel as though she was breathing fire with each breath she took. Her eyes felt hot and teary, while her throat felt as though she was made to swallow sand paper. Which was contradicting how her body felt right now, she felt as though she had been out swimming during winter.

She couldn't remember how she got here, and why her head was hurting so much. All she could recall was staying in the cave as she took shelter there. Rogue was also there, hopefully he got to leave before she was found.

"Where'd you find this rascal?" A raspy female voice asked.

The voice was unfamiliar to her, looking around unable to find a place to hide. She would also not be able to escape her current condition. Laying down once more, fighting the chill that she felt, willing her body to be still and fight shivering. Closing her eyes as she resumed her prior position. Just in time as she heard the flap of the tent opening and urgent footsteps that followed.

"Down in the woods, a wolf led us to her." It was a woman's voice. This voice was soft and gentle, reminding her of her mother's tune from long before.

"A wolf? Now that's a peculiar case." The woman with a raspy voice replied, this woman was small and slim.

It suddenly became quiet, dead silence filled the ear and it was deafening for Altheia. Opening her eyes slowly to see that the two women were looking at her. The sight had caused jumping out of the bed in fright, grabbing onto one of the women and taking their knife that was on their belt as she stood up. Falling onto her back as soon as she got up, nausea hit her hard as she felt light headed and her legs felt like pudding under her as they gave way.

"Stay back!" Slashing around as she tried to get away from them.

The petite woman went closer to her, her eyes calm as she looked at Altheia who was slashing the knife at them. Catching Altheia's hand and slowly prying the dagger from her trembling finger.

When the woman had the dagger Altheia covered her face in defense. "Please, don't kill me."

Her voice trembled with each word, it was soft as a whisper as she begged for her life. Altheia felt low and weak, never in her life had she ever begged for anything and now here she was begging for her life. She looked up to them with teary eyes and with that alone, the two already had an idea just what she went through.

"They are seriously going way too far now, not even any mercy for children." The petite one pointed out angrily.

Sheathing the dagger once more, then slowly reaching her hand out to Altheia. Seeing the girl flinch at her action made her eyes soften, slowly reaching out to help the girl up to show that she meant no harm. Once she had helped Altheia sit onto the bed once more, handing her a glass of water which she had hesitantly accepted.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now