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In the next few weeks, they had reconquered Maehony keep and Langen Citadel. Though there was still a problem with the water supply they decided to fix that first before fully celebrating. They were headed down to the treasury of the palace to retrieve the things needed to kill the Linrin.

"So, should I start addressing you as your highness now?" Ethan joked as they walked down the halls to the catacombs below the palace.

Altheia only chuckled at that statement and gave instructions to Nixon to continue straight ahead while holding a torch as he led the group. "If you start calling me that, I'll leave you down here to have bonding time with my ancestors."

Despite walking down the graveyard below the castle's they felt at ease and just kept joking around. They kept on insisting on addressing Altheia properly but the latter just kept brushing them off. Saying she didn't mind them calling her by her name or by Aella.

"I know you used to live here and all, but are you sure you know where you're going? It's been almost a decade since you last lived here." Nixon stated as he lit up the passage that was only a dead end.

"After all those years with the Azaleas, you still don't trust me." Altheia said with a fake sad tone before she walked forward and pulled one of the torches on the wall down like a lever which had caused the wall to move to the side revealing another passage.

Mia had chuckled at that statement as Nixon grumbled about how dusty it was down there and how there could be any ghost. They continued on deeper until they reached a tunnel that was well lit by torches on each side that was attached to a statue of a dragon.

"These torches are amazing, do they ever extinguish? Also is there a dragon down here?" Mia asked in amazement as she looked at the statues holding the torches as they ventured deeper. The other two were quietly waiting for Altheia's explanation of her own home.

"Dragons are long dead, according to my father. He said the dragons had died a few centuries back during the Siege of Crefygh, as men used to ride dragons into battle but soon started to dwindle in population after that war. I forgot the entire story of it but it was a battle between the Lyraez, the god of trickery and the other gods. Human's had helped the other gods entrap Lyraez and took away his heart to keep his powers away from him and entrusted it to my ancestors." Altheia explained as they continued on down. Continuing with the story as they progressed deeper.

"These torches, if I remember were lit from the breath, were a gift of a dragon who was friends with my ancestors. Oissar, I think his name was. He gave his breath to my predecessor who was a priestess who watched over Lyraez. The fire was to make sure she was safe and would always see the truth, as the flames of the dragon could burn away all illusions and give light to the veracity of the world. It was a protection against the god of trickery because even in his weakest form he could still conjure illusion and his silver tongue was as strong as ever. Anyways, they said that a dragon's flames were inextinguishable. Which would explain how these torches are still burning. We're here." She ended the story before they could ask anymore questions. Stopping by a gate; its bars made out of gold, while being covered with black statues of serpents that had diamonds in its eyes. Its lock was a dragon's mouth wide open, with sharp spikes within its mouth.

Holding her hand out and placing it within the dragon's mouth, its black eyes slowly glowing red as it accepted the blood, she took her hand out as it started to creak. The dragon's mouth closed as steam came out of its nose and the statue of serpents started to slither away from the gate. Opening leaving the gate free to be pushed so they can open it.

The three stared in astonishment as the gate opened, and their eyes widening upon seeing the inside. Filled with gold, jewellery and a few other treasures. Bright blue crystals from the ceiling of the cave were what gave them enough light to see inside.

Altheia looked around and saw an ivory stand in the centre of the room with a box made up of velvet on top, it was surrounded by a type of inscription as though a prized jewel was supposed to sit on within the box. All she was was that the box was empty, there was no way Myrkur could have entered here as long a descendant of the Fridur's could open the gates with their blood. Looking at it in confusion, trying to remember what was supposed to be in that box but her thoughts were torn out when Mia called her out about where they could find the equipment needed to kill the Linrin. Pulling her eyes away from the box as she helped them search for the things needed. While casually reminding them not to touch anything, since the treasury would cave in on them the moment another person, who is not from the royal family touched anything within.

Once they had taken what they needed they journeyed the way back up to the castle. Mia and Nixon went to Aide to give her what they needed to kill the Linrin, while Ethan and Altheia journeyed to the throne room to discuss new alliances and the rewards of those who had helped them win the war.

While discussing that it also came into the discussion of what they should do to Myrkur and his brothers. Some had voted for public execution while the others had said that it would have been best if they sacrificed them to the deities instead. Altheia just sat back and listened to their suggestions, not realising she was staring into the door of the Throne room. Blinking twice as she thought she saw the apparition of Saxon by the door, only to realise there was nothing there. Sighing once more as she listened to the plans being made.

When the day was over she retired back into her room. Missing the sight of her room that she had not seen for almost a decade made her feel nostalgic to the past. Seeing her family everywhere she went in the palace, then seeing her pet storm within her room as she reminisced the memories. All just making her feel lonelier than she ever was, as she had to remind herself that they were gone.

Carrying a blanket and a pillow with her as they walked through the corridors late that night, setting her pillow down by the terrace. Laying down on the cold hard surface of the marble floor as she gazed up to the skies, seeing the stars as they decorated the night sky with their bright light. Feeling herself slowly getting sleepier as she thought about how all of it was over and that now she could finally be at peace.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now