6. how to get the girl

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CHAPTER SIX how to get the girl !

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how to get the girl !

KINSLEY was currently losing her mind. she regrets ever telling stefani that she wanted to become friends with caitlin the second that stefani came back with noah, matt and madison and a large box.

"wait, are we trying to get them to be friends or get together?" madison asked watching as stefani was writing something on a white poster — the kinds of ones you use for a school project presentation — and with a bunch of colorful markers.

"friends?" stefani said in an unsure tone. she looked at kinsley who nodded her head but her eyes never leaving the tv in front of her. they were in oregon for three more days since on the twenty seven they go versus uconn. kinsley was excited for that one since she was going to see one of her good friends that's the photographer for their games.

"then why is it titled 'how to get the girl' with each letter forming a rainbow?" madison asked tilting her head to the side.

"um," stefani chocked with her own spit and glanced again at kinsley who wasn't paying attention. "i'm trying to get them out of their denial phase."

"you're doing gods work, stef." madison said patting stefani's shoulder. stefani got giddily and smiled at madison.

"seriously you are sis, it's getting pathetic watching them." matt said.

"pathetic watching who?" kinsley asked putting in netflix on the hotel tv and sliding even deeper into the comfortable bed. kinsley didn't receive an answer, instead she received five pair of looks. kinsley awkwardly looked away and continued searching for something to watch.

"why don't you invite caitlin over for movie night? and the other girls." madison said sitting at the edge of the bed that kinsley was on.

"why would i do that?" kinsley snickered putting on the category movies. madison rolled her eyes and snatched the controller away. "hey, mads!"

"do you or do you not want to be friends with caitlin." madison asked making kinsley roll her eyes.

"i really don't care." kinsley said reaching for the controller but madison backed up.

"come on, mads. aren't you tired of this stupid rivalry between you! we can't even hang out with them because someone you and caitlin always end up bickering!"

"you really want me to ask caitlin to come over?" kinsley asked squinting her eyes at madison who sighed deeply and nodded her head. kinsley stood up unplugging her phone from her night stand, "then go ask her yourself."

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