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Jeremy Evans, Clara Hayes, Kristen Spears and Sage Millet were all looking at the equipment. Agent Spencer Reid was also here with us, fiddling with a lightbulb. On another table, Evangeline was drawing something and her left hand was freshly burned.

"Reid. Since you're more their age, why don't you do the talking?" Hotch tells Spencer while I decided to walk over to Evangeline's table. There's something about her that makes me want to protect her from harm. Elle and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia explained that I had a motherly instinct and that because of Evangeline's life, she involuntarily ages regresses to deal with her trauma. If Evangeline wants to after our investigation concludes, I'm going to offer to adopt her as my own child.

"That's a beautiful drawing, little one." Evangeline was drawing a beautiful picture of a lonely rose alone on the ground.

"Thank you Agent Jareau." Evangeline whispers, not looking up at me.

"You can call me JJ. Can I talk to you about the fires?" Evangeline's posture stiffened at the mention of the fires, before looking at Clara Hayes.

"See this? Drill a hole in the side, fill it with gasoline or whatever's good and flammable. Turn the light on. Boom. That is what went down, didn't it?" Jeremy says before Clara looks over at Spencer and Evangeline goes back to drawing.

"The stuff's all over the net. Want to know how to make a molotov cocktail that sets itself on fire? Potassium, sulphur... and normal sugar. Sugar-- sugar, which is-" Clara starts to say.

"Not exactly plutonium. You could get this stuff anywhere." Jeremy adds on.

"Sugar from the supermarket." Clara finishes for him.

"But you don't need to be a chem major to know that." Hotch says, causing Fire Inspector Zhang to look at him.

"Do you think it's a chem student?" Fire Inspector Zhang asks before Jeremy holds the lightbulb to his head.

"You want to know what I think? I think it would be a good time to take the semester off." Jeremy says before handing the lightbulb back to Spencer. Clara walks over and grabs Evangeline by her burned left arm and pulls her up to her feet.

"Let's go Evangeline!" Clara says, but Evangeline had tears in her eyes and I knew that she's scared of Clara.

"Actually, I have some questions for Evangeline. Don't worry, I'll bring your girlfriend back to you."

"She's my foster sister." Clara says before leaving Evangeline and I alone. Elle walks over to us and takes a seat by Evangeline.

"I'm Agent Elle Greenaway." Elle introduces herself before showing Evangeline her badge.

"Evangeline Marie Foster. I did not set those fires. I promise." Evangeline tells us with tears in her eyes.

"We know you didn't Evangeline, but you know who did." Elle explains to Evangeline, who looks back at her drawing.

"She does it for Kharon." Evangeline says, not looking up at us.

"Who is she?"

"Clara does it for the mythological god Kharon. Ever since we survived the fire that killed her father, Clara has been obsessed with testing everyone. My foster mother spurred this on by saying God was testing us. I never thought she would hurt anyone. I swear!" Evangeline tells us while crying, the tears ruining her picture.

"We know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. This isn't your fault. Did Clara burn your arms?"

"She says I needed to be cleansed of my disabilities and doubts of God. Yesterday I told my foster mother what Clara is doing and she burned my stomach. She said if I talk to you and get Clara locked away, I cannot live with her anymore as I am an evil child sent to destroy her family." Evangeline cries before hugging me and I hugged her back.

"You are coming to live with me, little one. I want to adopt you and be your mother."

"You want me? Nobody has ever wanted me before JJ." Evangeline said while Elle was treating her burns.

"Well I want you and I'm not going to give you up or hurt you." Evangeline smiled before closing her eyes, signalling that she's exhausted.

"Can you stay awake a little longer for me? We have to go to your house and get your things first."

"JJ, I don't think she'll last long. She's already swaying back and forth." Elle says before I picked Evangeline up and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I'll ask Penelope to get her information. Just bring her back to our room." Elle says before we walked out of the room.


Evangeline's POV

"Do you know where Clara could be?" Jason asks me and I shake my head, not knowing where she was. After the agents find Clara, I'll be going to Quantico, Virginia with them and will be officially adopted by JJ. I only came into the school to say goodbye to Dean Turner and Jeremy because they were the only ones that cared about me. Walking towards the elevator, I see Clara standing over a partially opened elevator that held Kristen, Jeremy and Sage.

"Clara, please do not do this." Clara looked at me and smiled, but it more of a creepy one.

"I'm here to help. I'm here to save them. God chose them. Chose them... chose them..." Clara says before putting gas on them and lights up a flare.

"God did not choose you to save people Clara! God would not tell you to hurt innocent people! What you are doing is wrong! If you truly believe that you did nothing wrong, why did you not turn yourself in when you killed Matthew and Professor Wallace?" Clara walked over to me with the flare in her hand.

"Shut up! God blessed us and you're throwing it away! God should've killed you in that fire along with Dad!" Clara yells at me before slapping me.

"Test me Clara! You have to do it to someone, so why not me? After all, I am a good for nothing retard like Ellen says. So test me because I can take it!" A gun shot is heard and Clara collapses on the ground, letting the flare go. Grabbing the flare, I see Aaron near us and I handed him the flare before Jason arrests her. Elle takes them out of the elevator and I look over at her.

"Can I say goodbye to Jeremy?" Elle nods and I run over to Jeremy, hugging him. Jeremy hugs me back and I give him a smile.

"I am going to Quantico with the agents. JJ is going to adopt me Jeremy and I will finally have a mommy." I signed to Jeremy.

"That's great Evangeline. Thank you for saving us and I'll miss you." Jeremy said with a smile on his face.

"I will miss you too." I signed before hugging him once again. The two of us break apart from the embrace and I walked away from them.

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