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"McAllister. Western slope of Massanutten Mountain in Virginia. Two bodies discovered in the woods. Both with apparent blunt trauma to the head." Pulling the photos out of the file, I placed them on the table. Evangeline will be coming with us because I want to keep her extra close to me right now. Right now though, she's in a therapy session with Reese but she knows she's coming with me.

"Skeletons?" Spencer asks me.

"One of them. The second victim was just killed this morning."

"How do we know there's a connection?" Elle asks me.

"They were found about seventy-five feet apart with nearly identical head wounds." Hotch says while Derek picks up the folder.

"Where's the rest of the case file?" Derek asks me.

"There isn't one. The sheriffs are on the scene waiting for us." Hotch tells him.

"Their location is only a half hour away by plane."

"What's the rush?" Derek asks while Gideon picks up a piece of paper and looks at it.

"Well, there was evidence on the scene that could cause a bit of a public uproar." Hotch said.

'A satanic cult." Gideon adds on. Sounds about right...


Evangeline's POV

"I heard of your brave stunt Evangeline." Reese tells me and I sigh, knowing that this was coming. Grabbing my hot chocolate off the table, I began to drink it while coming up with a response.

"I was the only one who could talk him into letting people go."

"Be that as it may, what you did was not smart Evangeline. But I'm glad you're okay. Now we have to talk about your wrists. JJ told me that you were hurting them." Reese tells me while I look at my now bandaged wrists. Auntie Elle bandaged them up for me yesterday after seeing the fresh burns. Auntie Elle and Mama didn't get mad at me, they just talked to me about why I shouldn't do that. Most of my old foster parents would get mad at me for doing that and either hurt me or not feed me for days at a time.

"I have done this since I was eight, after Anne died. Before she died I saw her cutting herself and she explained to me that it was to help her feel better. The first time I did it, I cut myself but it hurt really bad. So after that day, I found a lighter and burned my wrists. It hurt for a little bit, but it helped me feel better. Oh did Mama tell you that I am talking to the men on her team now?"

"She did tell me that. You're opening up and I'm proud of you for doing that." Reese tells me.

"How was your date with Penelope?"

"Really good. We're going out again after this case. But I'm going to keep her company while you go with the others." Reese tells me.

"Good. Penny is always alone when Mama and I are not here. She needs company to make sure she is safe."



Gideon and Spencer walked towards the tree trunk at Massanutten Mountain while Evangeline and I are at the bottom. Evangeline was drawing pictures of the scene in her sketchbook when the sheriff approached us.

"Morning. John Bridges." Sheriff Bridges greets me before we shake hands.

"Yeah. We spoke on the phone. I'm Agent Jareau, and this is my daughter Evangeline. Those two are Agent Gideon and Dr. Reid with the F.B.I.'s Behavioural Analysis Unit." Gideon shakes the sheriff's hand.

"Thanks for coming out so fast." Sheriff Bridges tells us.

"Yeah. Of course."

"There was an in-service in Charlottesville last year said if we ran into any unusual homicides we were supposed to call you folks sooner rather than later." Sheriff Bridges said.

"Yeah, they were right." Gideon says.

"Is this unusual enough?" Sheriff Bridges asks us.

"It certainly is interesting." Spencer says.

"You guys must get a lot of this, huh? Satanic stuff?" Gideon asks.

"Not really." Sheriff Bridges responds.

"Who found the bodies?" Gideon asks him while Evangeline holds onto my hand and I give it a gentle squeeze.

"A hiker found the first one at the trail and my deputies located this one while searching for evidence." Sheriff Bridges tells us when Spencer squats down to examine the skeleton more closely.

"We don't even know if it's a man or a woman." Sheriff Bridges says when Spencer uses a stick to lift a piece of decayed fabric from the skin.

"It's a man. The male pelvis is more narrow and the opening at the bottom is heart-shaped, as opposed to oval." Spencer says before going to use the stick to poke at a dark substance at the base of the tree trunk.

"Candle wax?" Evangeline asks, looking at the melted wax.

"Candles are used in rituals." Spencer explains to us.

"They're also used on birthday cakes." Gideon adds on, not wanting to scare Evangeline.

"Actually, they were originally used to protect the birthday celebrant from demons for the coming year. As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan ritual." Spencer says.

"What kind of doctor are you?" Sheriff Bridges asks Spencer.

"Does "L.O.D." mean anything to you?" Gideon asks us.

"Uh-uh. I don't know of any significance in Satanism, either." Spencer adds on while I try to make a phone call to Garcia.

"Well, I could have Garcia research this "L.O.D." thing if I could get a call out."

"Mama, you are not going to be able to make a call here." Evangeline says before fiddling with her glasses.

"Little lady's right. Not much of a chance of that out here." Sheriff Bridges tells me before looking at Evangeline a bit closer.

"Are there any cults in the area that you know about? Secret groups? People you see you don't know much about. People who stay to themselves mostly." Spencer asks the sheriff.

"This is a very religious area. Church on Sundays, fellowship on Wednesday, bible classes. If there was a secret group, I'd probably know about it." Sheriff Bridges explained to him.

"That's an inherent contradiction." Spencer says, causing Evangeline to look at the sheriff, who had a look of confusion on his face.

"He means that if there is a group being secretive you probably would not know John." Evangeline says, causing the sheriff to look at her with wide eyes.

"Evangeline Foster? It's been almost eight years since we last saw each other." Sheriff Bridges tells my daughter.

"I know and my last name is Jareau now." Evangeline says before looking away.

"Look, people out here just want a quiet place to raise their kids. What I know is none of them are capable of doing this." Sheriff Bridges tells us, but Evangeline doesn't seem to believe it.

"How do you know him?" I signed to Evangeline.

"He was one of my good foster fathers. Actually most of the town was great, except for his son Cory." Evangeline signs in response.

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