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"Harringtonville, Tennessee, population 5,000. Sixty-four years since they had a homicide. They've had two in the past forty-eight hours." Evangeline was in the living room with me but she had her headphones on so she didn't have to hear anything about the case. Hotch and Gideon gave me some time off so that Evangeline and I could spend time together, but I promised them that I would still introduce the cases through speaker phone.

"First victim, fifty-seven year-old widower and grandfather Paul Thompson. Ambushed in his yard, eighteen stab wounds to his chest and his neck. No forced entry into the house and the only item taken was a shotgun." Hotch says from the other end of the line.

"Last night, Annie Stuart, thirty-nine, was also ambushed and it appears bludgeoned to death in her home with Thompson's stolen shotgun. In this case, the unsub apparently stole CDs DVDs, and a little jewellery."

"This is a little extreme for a burglary." Derek's voice cuts in through the speaker phone.

"That's an understatement." Elle says, her voice also cuts through the speaker phone.

"As you can see, Annie's throat was eviscerated." Hotch says.

"Yet the first victim wasn't eviscerated and the unsub seems to have used a different weapon at each crime scene." Spencer added in, his voice cutting in through the speaker phone.

"Two different M. O." Hotch says.

"Two different killers?" Elle suggests.

"Or one very psychotic individual." Gideon says.

"What happened to you?" Hotch asks him.

"I got a list of things I want to try before it's too late." Gideon says, causing my mind to wander at what happened to him.

"And orthopaedic surgery's one of them?" Elle asks.

"No, skydiving. Apparently it's all about the landing. But I only have to use the crutches for a couple of days." Gideon says.

"With organized killers, we see a pattern we're able to predict their behaviour but with psychotic killers, they're guided by a given delusion." Hotch explains to us while Evangeline goes into the kitchen to grab some food.

"Ok, until we understand the nature of the delusion we can't predict his next move." Derek states.

"That's nearly impossible to do." Hotch says.

"Actually, I think we might have a clue. These rings at that crime scene might be some kind of signature?" Spencer suggested to us.

"I can work this angle. I'll see if there's any significance to the patterns." Gideon says.

"Psychotic killers are normally not that difficult to catch because they don't try to hide." Hotch tells us.

"Does that make your job easier?"

"Oh, no. 'cause until we do locate him he'll keep doing that. He said he wants to get a feel for the neighbourhood." Gideon says.

"So, we got some names of unsubs. Farrell Belvedere, twenty-three. He, uh, took a little too much ISD and flipped out in a winn dixie tore up a cheese counter."

"Mark Ward. He's twenty-one. Five counts of petty larceny. Attempted suicide, committed for a year but now he's living back with his parents. And the last one is Oley Maynor, twenty-five. He was institutionalized for severe manic-depression." Elle explains.

"He has violent mood swings. When he was eighteen, he got arrested for, um biting the heads off chickens."

"Like a circus freak?" Hotch asks me.

"I guess."

"Take the time off and we'll get Evangeline a souvenir from Tennessee." Hotch said before hanging up and Evangeline walked over to me with chocolate all over her face. Grabbing a wet wipe, I wiped her face before kissing her cheeks.

"How are you feeling today sweetheart?"

"Not okay. I still feel like Auntie Elle and Jason are laughing at my body." Evangeline tells me before I placed her onto my lap.

"They aren't laughing at you. If anything, they're worried about you and are hoping that you're okay. That's why Mama doesn't have to go to work for a little while."

"You did not have to take time off Mama. I would have been okay with Penny or by myself." Evangeline tells me while playing with my top. Taking my top and bra off, I began breastfeeding Evangeline.

"I know that I didn't have to take time off, but I wanted to little one." Evangeline smiled while looking at me with those innocent blue eyes of hers.


Evangeline's POV

"Little one, I want to ask you something." Mama tells me, causing me to look up from my drawing to give her my full attention.

"Yes Mama?"

"My brother, your uncle Henry, my mother and your uncle's daughter Sarah want to come and meet you next week. Is that okay with you Evangeline?" Mama asks me.

"Do they know that I regress? Or my life in the system? Or my medical conditions?"

"They know everything. Sarah is fifteen, just a few years younger than you. Your uncle raised her on his own because her mother didn't want her. Sarah only knows that you regress due to your trauma in the system and your medical conditions. She doesn't know about the trauma because your uncle and I both felt that it should be up to you to tell her. But they all love you already and are looking forward to meeting you Evangeline." Mama tells me.

"I want to meet them."

"That's wonderful sweetheart." Mama says before hugging me and I hugged her back.

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