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Evangeline's POV

The police truck pulls into the McAllister police station and we all get out of the truck. Reverend Paul Burke's waiting for us and I looked around the station, memories flooding through my mind.

"What's happened, John?" Reverend Burke asks John.

"Reverend Paul Burke, this is-- I'm sorry, I forgot your names." John says, forgetting Mama's and Spencer's names.

"I'm Agent Jareau. This is Dr. Reid." Mama says.

"They're with the F.B.I. Oh and this is little Evangeline. She's now Evangeline Jareau." John says, causing me to blush.

"F.B.I.? It's true, then? Adam's dead?" Reverend Burke asks John.

"Cherish Hanson's missing, too." John says, causing the other man's eyes to widen with shock.

"Is there anything I can do?" Reverend Burke asks John.

"Actually, yes. We're putting together a search party. Could you call the congregation?" John asked Reverend Burke.

"Of course. Of course. I'll go make some calls." Reverend Burke says before walking away. The rest of us follow John into the station.

"Use any phone, doc, you just dial 9 to get an outside line. I've got an emergency phone list back here in my office." John says before Spencer goes to make the phone call and I see a bulletin board with the heading reading 'Mountaineers State Champs!' There stood Cory Bridges with his other teammates.

"Hey freak!" Cory's voice booms from behind me, causing me to turn around and face him.

"Hi there Cory." Cory's eyes widened with shock because I never spoke to him before, mainly just signing to communicate. He was wearing wearing a letterman jacket and holding onto to some books in his hands.

"So freak, why don't we get back to where we were before you left?" Cory tells me.

"No thank you Cory. I did not know you liked football."

"No. But my father made me. You know what a tight ass he is." Cory tells me when Spencer walks over to us.

"Spencer, this is my old foster brother Cory Bridges. Cory, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. He is working with the FBI on solving the murder here." Both of them shake hands when Spencer notices one of the books in Cory's hands.

"Who's that, Nietzsche? "Thus Spake Zarathustra" was rather antagonistic of the Judeo-Christian world view for this town, isn't it?" Spencer says while I looked at him with confusion written on my face. I was older than Cory by two years but he's always been smarter than me.

"I don't think too many people here would've bothered to read it. If they had, they wouldn't understand it. Might as well be a Hawking essay on quark theory. Nobody ever got that reference before. Is my father around? The sheriff?" Cory asks Spencer.

"He is with my Mama, Agent Jennifer Jareau."

"I'm with the F.B.I., Behavioural Analysis Unit." Spencer explains to Cory.

"Profilers?" Cory asks, causing Spencer to nod.

"This is mad cool. I got, like a hundred questions I go-- wait. Why would F.B.I. profilers be here in McAllister?" Cory asks.

"Cory, I told you already that there was a murder on the mountain outside of town. A girl is also missing." John and Mama walk over to us with Mama placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's Cherish, son. Evangeline, you remember Cherish right?" John tells both of us.

"Cherish Hanson?" Cory asks his father, who nods.

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