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Evangeline's POV

"He's so gorgeous." Mama tells Haley Hotchner who's holding her newborn son, Jack.

"Thank you. Evangeline, do you want to hold Jack?" Haley asks me.

"Yes please Mrs. Hotchner."

"You can call me Haley." Haley said before gently placing Jack in my arms.

"Hi there Jack. You are the cutest baby ever. My name is Evangeline and I will never let anybody hurt you."

"If you find baldness and wrinkles attractive." Spencer says, causing me to crinkle my nose.

"Look at his little witty bitty nose. Don't you want one of these?" Penelope said with a smile.

"Mm. I'll stick to practicing." Derek says before I handed Jack back to Haley.

"Congratulations." Elle says before walking over to me.

"Thanks. She's amazing. I'm a little terrified." Aaron says and I turned to face him.

"The fact that you are scared of messing up makes you a good parent. You want the best for Jack and it shows." I signed to Aaron.

"She's right. Well we should get going. It was lovely to meet you Evangeline and it seems like Jack loves you already." Haley says before leaving and the rest of us headed into the conference room. Mama sat on a chair and pulled me onto her lap before I cuddled Juniper in my arms.

"Crawford family. Murdered three days ago. They were found in the basement of their house." Jason says before Mama covered my eyes.

"Saw it on the news." Derek stated before Mama uncovered my eyes.

"Bags packed for a vacation they never took." Mama said.

"Report said it was a murder/suicide. Father stabbed the mom, then shot himself." Derek said while looking at the file.

"That's the conclusion Maryland State police came to. The gun was found next to the father. Had gunpowder residue on his right hand." Mama says while playing with my hair and it was making me sleepy.

"And now you must have some compelling reason to think that Chris Crawford didn't off his family?" Derek asks as my eyes begin to close.

"Yeah. Another murdered family. The Millers found a month ago. The mother Reese Miller, her two children, and her new husband. Again, they were found in the basement and like the Crawfords, their suitcases were packed for a vacation." Mama says as I drifted off to sleep.



"She's still asleep?" Garcia asks me upon entering my office. Evangeline was fast asleep in my arms while holding onto Juniper.

"She is. She's still a little sick."

"The fever still there?" Garcia asked before placing some things on my coffee table.

"Yeah. Case files?"

"No. It's some food for Evangeline and lactation pills in case you want to use it to breastfeed Evangeline. Don't worry it's safe." Garcia tells me.

"Thanks. She's not vomiting anymore and can keep food down. But she's still sleeping a lot more than normal."

"She's adorable, but even more so now." Garcia says before leaving and I couldn't help but agree with her.

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