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Evangeline's POV

"JJ told me about you talking with Karl Arnold the other day." Reese tells me while we sat in the Baltimore PD captain's office. Two people were found dead in their home and the BAU is investigating.

"I am very angry at Karl for killing Anne and making it look like a suicide. She must be so angry with me for not stopping him."

"Anne wouldn't be angry because she loved you so much that she protected you from that man. She knew that you were only eight years old and couldn't do a lot to help because that man would have hurt you too." Reese tells me.

"Do you think Anne is proud of me?"

"I know that she's proud of you. You're talking more to men and you're opening up about your past." Reese tells me.

"I only talk to Spencer but with the other men, I still sign."

"Baby steps Evangeline. It takes time to get over that fear. It's an accomplishment that you can stay in the same room with them." Reese says with a smile on her face.

"I'll see you in a couple of weeks." Reese says before leaving the office and I decided to leave the office too. Walking throughout the station, I see Elle, Spencer and Penelope at a computer and walk over there.

"You're breathing on my neck." Penelope says when Elle hugs me close to her.


"Sorry for that." Spencer adds on, causing Penelope to look over at me.

"Hi sweet pea." Penelope greets me with a smile on her face.

"You two having fun?" Elle asks them while continuing to hug me.

"Oh, yeah. Sifting through the life and times of Freddy Condore with Dr. Reid here is a party I wouldn't want to miss. Credit card receipts show Freddy loved crab cakes, preferred light beer and used to spend his Thursday nights with a woman in Fells Point... An, uh, expensive woman." Penelope says, causing me to look at Elle.

"What about his associates?" Elle says while playing with my hair.

"Most of them have criminal records." Spencer tells Elle.

"That much I guessed." Elle says.

"But one of them is particularly interesting. Pull up James Baker's rap sheet. He spent time in juvenile detention for attempted murder, was released at age twenty-one, and then subsequently arrested for, and this is in order, armed robbery, petty theft, burglary, narcotics sales, and rape." Spencer says, causing me to scratch at my arms remembering all the men that hurt me.

"But there's no other sexual assault complaints in his file." Elle says.

"Absolutely nothing. I told you it was interesting." Spencer says.

"What's so interesting about that?" Penelope asked him.

"When it comes to psychological behaviour, anything is possible but this criminal history? It just isn't probable. I mean, as a minor, he began with attempted murder and then devolved into pettier crimes? It's the criminal history of a fractured schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder. It just does not make sense." Spencer explains.

"Unless someone made that rap sheet up and they weren't thinking about the behaviour, they just plugged in whatever sounded good." Elle said.

"Maybe he felt guilty for what he did."

"Maybe honey." Elle says before kissing my head.


Penelope's POV

"You're going to need a bigger board." I tell Derek as I entered the conference room. Evangeline was eating her breakfast while the rest of the team were doing their jobs.

"Please tell me you brought some breakfast." Derek pleaded.

"Trust me, sugar, you are not going to want to eat when you see what's in here." I tell Derek, referring to my laptop with the information.

"How many more are there?" Derek asks

"Well, I've gone back fifteen years and there's over a hundred." Evangeline's eyes widened in shock of that information.

"A hundred unsolved murders." Evangeline signs, her eyes still widened. She's been through hell and she's still innocent about many things.

"Yeah, that we know of. And then there's more coming in."

"Well, the torture's consistent. You know, we thought this guy might have been at it a while but this many victims, Garcia? John Wayne Gacy killed at least thirty people. This guy's more than tripled that." Derek tells me.

"Yeah but this guy gets paid for it. He's a hit man."

"No... He's more than that. Not all these victims were mob hits. My guess is he probably started hunting when he was really young. perfected his craft, moved on to bigger prey... Hey, Garcia, look at this. There's no hesitation wounds on the body. One clean cut through flesh and bone." Derek tells me, indicating to the pictures of the crime scene.

"Ok, so what does that tell us?"

"Most people wouldn't imagine doing something like this to another human being, but this guy, he doesn't even flinch. He's got no conscience. We've got ourselves a serial killer with the perfect career. Russo has no idea what he's dealing with. I think we can shake him. Keep looking." Derek tells me before he leaves the room and I sit down next to Evangeline.

"Honey, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?" Evangeline nodded as she had food in her mouth.

"I want to ask your psychiatrist, Reese out on a date. Is that okay with you?"

"It is okay with me Penny." Evangeline replied with a hug smile on her face.

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