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"How's her arm?" Elle asks me upon entering the kitchen. She had a key because I trusted her and Evangeline trusted her as well. Evangeline was fast asleep on the sofa with Care Bears playing on the television as background noise.

"She's not in as much pain so I can finally lower the dose she's taking. Do you want me to wake her up?"

"No, let her sleep. Spencer loved the cake she made for him. He only gave me, Garcia and Gideon a piece until Hotch pointed out that Evangeline would want him to share with everyone." Elle says and I can't help but smile. The entire team adores Evangeline and would do anything she asked except murder of course. Well if someone harms Evangeline nobody would be able to stop us from killing those bastards, except for the fact that Evangeline wouldn't want us to stoop to their level.

"The whole team is wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even realize it."

"That's true." Elle says before I hand her a soda.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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