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Evangeline's POV

"Here he comes." Penelope says when a man leaves Aaron's office with him following behind him.

"That's Hotch's brother?" Mama asks and Penelope nods. That man was Aaron's brother Sean Hotchner and they clearly looked alike.

"I don't see it." Mama says.

"Sean, listen to me. All I'm saying is you're twenty-five years old." Aaron says.

"You know what, don't profile me, Aaron." Sean says before walking away.

"Now, I see it." Mama says before we entered the conference room and I went to sit down on the chair by the door. Mama hands everybody else files and I began to draw in my sketchbook.

"Terra Mesa, New Mexico. Five dead, and all from Mesa University. No signs of sexual assault, and no sign of theft."

"Five nineteen year olds. Minimal defensive wounds. One of them was impaled on a six foot wooden pole."  Derek says.

"Who'd want to torture five college freshmen?" Auntie Elle asks.

"They weren't tied up and no one escaped?" Derek says.

"No single unsub could've exerted this much control over so many people." Spencer says.

"So you think there was more than two." Auntie Elle asked Spencer who nods.

"I think we're looking at a pack." Jason says and I can't help but notice that Aaron was upset.

"A pack?" Mama asks him.

"Three or more that kill in unison, as in, nature of the group dynamic, dictates the pack's survival is dependent on their ability to hunt successfully." Spencer explains to Mama.

"And as in nature a pack will keep on killing until it runs out of prey or is stopped." Aaron says.

"Stopped by what?" Auntie Elle asks.

"A stronger pack." Jason says when he and everyone else leaves but Aaron and I.

"Are you okay Aaron?"

"You saw my brother and I fighting earlier. Sean wants to be a fry cook at a restaurant in New York and I didn't believe that was the right decision for him." Aaron tells me.

"Maybe it is or may not, but he will not know that until he tries. It is okay for him to make mistakes as long as he knows that you are always there for him." Aaron smiles before the two of us walk out of the room.

"You're a smart and kind girl Evangeline." Aaron says and I give him a smile.

"And you are a good big brother."



We're in Terra Mesa, New Mexico and Evangeline was enjoying the beautiful scenery around her. Right now we're walking over to Hotch and John Blackwolf, a Native American man who was helping us with the investigation.

"Hotch. So if there was another girl out there, no one's reported her missing. None of the papers have received any claims of responsibility or ransom demands."

"We'd like for you to stay and help with the profile briefing." Hotch asks John.

"Hi. My name is Evangeline Jareau." Evangeline greets John.

"John Blackwolf." John tells Evangeline.

"It is nice to meet you Mr. Blackwolf." Evangeline says with a smile on her face.

"It is very nice to meet you too Miss Jareau." John says before Evangeline goes to sit down at a desk and begins drawing in her sketchbook.

"Each torture ritual had specific religious significance, but only to the tribe that practiced it. It's highly unlikely that any one tribe would mix them all together like this." Spencer says.

"Meaning?" A deputy asked Spencer.

"Whoever did this obviously had knowledge of Native American culture, but they had absolutely no practical understanding of it." Spencer explains while I notice that Evangeline was drawing John with a black wolf standing beside him.

"What we know, is this pack shares a singular vision whether they share religious faith, racist ideology, or political manifesto, each member of this unit has surrendered its individual identity to the group." Derek says.

"It's the act of kidnapping that reveals the nature of this pack." Hotch says.

"From the German Red Brigade to the Munich Olympics to Iraqi insurgence. The act of kidnapping is a characteristic of political terrorist groups." Elle says.

"We could be looking for a domestic terrorist organization like the Symonese Liberation Army that kidnapped Patty Hearst." Hotch says.

"But these are Indians, right?" The deputy asks.

"They are not Indians and it is disrespectful to call them that. They may prefer to be called Indigenous people or Native Americans." Evangeline states, causing John to smile at her.

"I seriously doubt it. The torture and mutilation you see here are very confused imitations of warfare practiced by Native American tribes." John says.

"Are you trying to tell us that Indians wouldn't be so brutal?" The deputy asked John.

"No. I'm saying that Indians wouldn't be so confused." John says before leaving and Evangeline looks up with a pout on her face.

"Mama's coming right back." Evangeline nods before all of us walked into Sheriff Jimmy Rhodes, office. The sheriff was behind his desk with all of us gathered around him.

"Can we really be sure he's right?" Jimmy asks us,

"Well, I'm fairly certain Blackwolf wasn't in on it, but you don't need to be Einstein to realize these people were Indians, or people that made it look like Indians." Gideon says.

"Why would anyone want to frame these Indians?" Elle asks.

"Possibly to turn public opinion against them. Sheriff, you mentioned the Apache were fighting the land grab in court. Public opinion would be a significant factor."

"Is there anyone besides the developers who might be vehemently opposed to the Indians getting the land back?" Hotch asks the sheriff.

"The A.D.U. also known as the American Defense Union. Founded by a local businessman named Roy Minton. They're like the minute men who control the borders, only these guys blame everything on the Indians." Jimmy tells us.

"Who are the members?" Hotch asks.

"Minton's people are mostly white, construction workers, building supply vendors. Working class people that believe Indians are standing in the way of progress. And commerce." Jimmy says.

"Whether they feel the Indians are standing in the way of progress or profit, or they're just genuine racists, I think Minton and the A.D.U. are strong suspects."

"Let's bring Minton in." Hotch says before I exited the office and walked over to Evangeline.

"Are you hungry?" Evangeline nodded with a smile on her face.

"Why don't we go get some lunch before I have to work again?" Evangeline stands up and the two of us walked out of the police station.

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