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Evangeline's POV

"Do you want to come with us Evangeline or stay here with Penelope?" JJ asks me. Apparently there's a bomber in Florida, attacking innocent people.

"I think it is better to stay here. Besides I like Penelope." JJ smiles before hugging me and I hugged her back.

"I'll get you a souvenir from there. You are welcome to stay in my office if you need to." JJ says before leaving and I decided to walk over to Penelope's office. Penelope made me feel at ease because she wears colourful clothes and always smiles at me.

"Hi there sweet pea. You want to hang out in here?" Penelope asked me with a smile and I nodded before entering her office. Derek entered the office and Penelope handed him the package that was on her desk.

"You have a package. Don't worry. Had a police escort all the way from Palm Beach." Penelope says with a confident smile.

"Ok, right on time thanks, man, I got this. These are my bomb fragments. We can start putting this bad boy together." Derek says before leaving with the box and we follow after him.

"Why bother? Don't you just look at the pieces for prints and stuff?" Penelope asks Derek.

"Derek is trying to get into the suspect's mind and see how it is made." I signed to Penelope.

"That's right princess. How did you figure that out so fast?" Derek asked me and I looked at the pieces that he's taking out of the box.

"You would not have gotten parts of a bomb delivered otherwise." I signed to Derek like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"All right. You see that section of pipe? That right there used to be part of the cap. It screwed onto these threads right here. But see, here's the thing it had to be done very carefully because even if one tiny grain of powder go onto those threads while he was working, that little bit of friction would have ignited the bomb. Boom! Boom! Boom! See you later, unsub. Now, he didn't have to use a powder that fine. He didn't have to use threaded caps, and he didn't even have to use a steel pipe, and it would have been a whole lot safer if he hadn't. But the bomb wouldn't have been nearly as deadly... So what does that tell you about our unsub?" Derek asks us.

"He's one sick puppy?" Penelope responds, unsure but I know the answer.

"He wants to kill people, not just hurt them." I signed to Derek.

"Evangeline's right. The unsub's goal is to kill. Not scare, not vandalize, or make some kind of political statement. Kill." Derek tells us before beginning to assemble the bomb.


Penelope Garcia's POV

"You know, a watched bomb never assembles." Evangeline was asleep on my little couch, cuddling her rabbit plushie, Juniper. She looked so adorable that I had to send JJ a couple of pictures of Evangeline.

"I'm down to the last few pieces, and for the life of me, I can't figure out how they fit together or if they fit together. They might not even be part of the bomb at all." Derek tells me and I give him a smile.

"What's the big deal? You got most of it. I'd give you a B-plus."

"Thanks. The big deal is it could be part of his signature." Derek explained to me, causing my eyes to light up.

"Ooh, signature. Like a sign of the Zodiac, that kind of thing?"

"Yeah. Yeah, just like that." Derek says while rolling his eyes.

"I was serious. I really wanted to learn that time." Evangeline walked into the main room, rubbing her eyes while holding onto Juniper.

"Signature's the thing that they get off on, like a flourish. You know, a certain kind of pipe, a certain mix of powders. Like the Unabomber he always used something wood in his bombs. I mean, I don't know. These guys, they think they're artists or something, so they sign their work." Derek explained while giving Evangeline a small smile.

"And you think by putting these last pieces together, you might find the signature?"

"Yeah. See, sometimes the design itself is unique, so once we do put it all together, we can compare it to other exemplars in our evidence database and see if the bomb was built by somebody we may have already come across. What?" Derek asks while Evangeline looks at the pieces carefully.

"If there was another piece like this..."

"No, I tried that. It doesn't fit." Derek interrupted.

"No, it could have been part of a longer rod that fit through the top and went all the way through, like Tetris." Evangeline signed to Derek.

"You nailed it. I know who built this bomb. The guy's doing life in federal prison." Derek says while Evangeline was looking around for something.

"Something wrong, sweet pea?" Evangeline looks up at me and seemed to be debating whether or not to tell me.

"You won't be in trouble."

"I have to eat something because of my type one diabetes and I do not know where a vending machine is." Evangeline signed to me since Derek was here.

"We're going to order pizza soon, but you can have my granola bar to hold you until then." Derek says before handing her the granola bar.

"Thank you." Evangeline signed before digging into the granola bar.


"How we doing?"

"Frustrated. I can't see why anyone would want to kill a little old lady who collects cats and coins." Elle tells me.

"Unless somebody wanted the coins. I spent a good chunk of my childhood looking for a 1944 penny worth thousands. Yes, I was a little bit of a nerd. Is that so surprising?" Hotch says, causing me to shake my head.

"Not to me." Elle responded while I looked into the computer screen to see Derek, Penelope and Evangeline on the other end of the computer screen.

"Morgan?" Hotch asks Derek while I see Evangeline eating her pizza, getting sauce all over her face.

"Yeah. I just got the lab results from the powder residues on the bombs. Ammonia nitrate, potassium chloride, and aluminum powder... Nobody uses that mixture, Hotch." Derek says while Evangeline was signing about Adrian Bale.

"Nobody but Bale. That's right Evangeline." Hotch says, giving Evangeline a smile.

"That's right. And the closer I look at these things, the more they're the same. Same weld pattern, same switch assembly, same thread sizing. It's weird, man. This guy's not building bombs, he's forging them. That's the other reason I'm calling you. Bale wrote addresses on his packages in block letters with blue ink. I'm thinking our guy's doing the same." Derek tells us and I sighed while running a hand through my hair.

"Ok. I'll set up a press conference, make sure the public knows."

"Thanks, Morgan... Excuse me." Hotch says before leaving.

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