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Evangeline's POV

"Make a wish!" Elle tells Spencer as he blows out his candles, or was at least attempting to. Today's Spencer's birthday and I got him a gift using some of my money from before Mama adopted me.

"Come on man! Blow, baby blow!" Derek tells Spencer while I hold onto my gift tightly.

"They're trick candles, Spence. They're going to come back on every time." Mama says before taking the candles out of the cake. Walking over to Spencer, I handed him my gift and give him a smile.

"Happy birthday Spencer. I hope you like my gift." I signed to Spencer, who opened the gift. It was a 2005 World Record book because I know Spencer loves to learn some random facts.

"I love it Evangeline. Thank you." Spencer says with a smile of his own.

"Hey Spence, first piece for the birthday boy." Mama says before handing both Spencer and I pieces of cake. Aaron walks over to us and gives us a smile before wiping the icing off my lips.

"Sorry guys, the party's over. We're going to San Diego." Aaron tells us and I couldn't help but smile because I always wanted to go to the beaches there.

"Not for the surfing, huh?" Derek asks us while I ate my cake.

"They're calling him the Tommy killer." Mama said before handing everyone else case files.

"Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks." Aaron says, causing both Elle and I to look at him in shock.

"That's a short fuse." Jason says while Mama wiped my face.

"And getting shorter. The first two were eight days apart then the next four in two weeks." Aaron tells everyone. They already cleared it with the higher ups for me to be in the room with them because I'm Mama's daughter and Jason vouched for me, saying that I helped with two of their cases.

"Rapid escalation. Do you think he's regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?" Spencer asks out loud.

"No, he's too controlled for that...See you on the plane." Aaron says before a thought enters my head.

"Why the Tommy killer?" I signed.

"You know the rock opera? This unsub glues the victims' eyes wide open." Aaron explains to us.

"He wants them to see him." Spencer says.

"And feel him." Jason adds on. Mama walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Your bag's in my office with your medicine and Juniper. You're coming with us and we'll go to the beach after." Mama promises with a smile on her face.



"Captain Griffith, Task Force Commander." Captain Griffith introduces himself to us while Evangeline went to sit down on one of the chairs and took out her sketchbook. Elle helps my daughter set up her little station and I can't help but smile at them.

"Sorry, we all get tunnel vision. I'm Special Agent Hotchner, this is Agent Jareau, our liaison. That is Evangeline Jareau, the young woman that I called about." Hotch introduces, causing Evangeline to look up at us. Next week Evangeline has an appointment with her new psychiatrist, Dr. Reese Andrews. She specializes in autistic people in the foster care system and Hotch had her cleared to have Evangeline be her only client, paying her a hefty salary for her time.

"I appreciate you coming out." Captain Griffith tells us before looking over at Evangeline.

"My brother's on the spectrum, so anything she needs I'll do my best to provide that." Captain Griffith tells us. Evangeline looks at the case board where Spencer is and wanders over there.

"My name is Death. Have you not heard of me? You may as well be mute..." Spencer reads before looking over at Evangeline. I know that he has a crush on her, but I don't think she feels the same way. Evangeline's sweet to everyone and I don't want Spencer to misinterpret her kindness for liking him in a romantic way.

"That is creepy." Evangeline signed to us.

"Actually, conversations between death and his victims was a fairly popular literary and artistic theme throughout the renaissance...Yeah, creepy." Spencer responded before looking at Evangeline.

"Little one, I have to talk to you." Evangeline nodded in response before the two of us go back to the desks and sit down on the chairs.

"Next week you have an appointment with a psychiatrist, Dr. Reese Andrews." Evangeline tears up, fogging up her glasses.

"I am not crazy Mama! Please do not put me away in the crazy house!" Evangeline signed to me before wiping her eyes.

"I know that you're not crazy sweetheart and I'm definitely not sending you away. Dr. Andrews is a doctor who talks with you in order to help you deal with your feelings."

"Okay." Evangeline whispers to me and I hugged her close to me.


Evangeline's POV

"You may as well be mute. There is no time at all for vain dispute your riches, gold, and garments, jewels bright your house and land must on new owners light." I muttered, reading the note on the case board. This is the ballad, Death and the Lady by Lesley Nelson-Burns. At one of my foster homes, my older foster sister would read stuff like this to me since we shared a room. Two weeks later, she committed suicide because she was being raped by our foster father. She left me a letter and her musical note necklace, which I still wear today.

"Fair Lady, throw those costly robes aside. No longer may you glory in your pride. Take leave of all your carnal vain delight. I'm come to summon you away this night." I muttered the familiar words while drawing in my sketchbook.

"What are you muttering?" Jason asked me, causing me to look up at him from my sketchbook.

"The ballad. It is called Death and the Lady by Lesley Nelson-Burns. One of my foster sisters read it to me." I signed to Jason before looking back at my sketchbook.

"Do you remember how the poem went?" Spencer asks me.

"What bold attempt is this? Pray let me know. From whence you come, and whither I must go. Shall I, who am a lady, stoop or bow. To such a pale-faced visage? Who art thou? Do you not know me? I will tell you then: I am he that conquers all the sons of men. No pitch of honour from my dart is free. My name is Death! Have you not heard of me?" I signed before tearing up.

"What's wrong?" Mama asks me.

"My foster sister committed suicide after reading me this verse. She was thirteen and I was eight. She was one of the good foster siblings in my life. I am going to eat something." I signed before getting up and walked away.

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