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Evangeline's POV

I wasn't feeling well but I couldn't tell Mama or she'll hate me for being sick. Especially because she's busy helping people in real danger, while I can take care of myself. But I don't want to take care of myself! I need Mama!

"Evangeline, honey?" Elle calls out to me, before bending down to my level.

"Need Mama!" Elle touches my forehead and frowns before picking me up, placing me on her lap.

"I'm going to call your mama honey. You really don't feel good, huh?" Elle says before we sit down on the chair and I buried my head into her chest.

"I think she's really regressed JJ." I hear Elle tell Mama on the phone.

"Elle knows honey. Try to close your eyes for me." Elle says while running her hand through my hair and I close my eyes.



"How is she feeling?" Elle asks upon entering our hotel room. Evangeline was fast asleep in a tank top and a pair of shorts. She already had a couple of accidents, so I had to put her in an adult diaper.

"She just went back to sleep after vomiting in the bathroom. Her fever's down a bit, but I don't think she'll remember any of this." Elle sat on her bed and took off her shoes before laying down on the bed.

"She's so innocent." Elle tells me while I played with Evangeline's hair.

"She truly is. I'm sorry that she vomited on your shoes."

"They're hosed down and I'm more concerned about Evangeline. We don't need to tell her this. I already told the others not to mention it." Elle says nonchalantly.

"I think her foster parents didn't allow her to be sick and if she was, she had to care for herself."

"I believe that as well, but she has us now." Elle says and I nodded in agreement.

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