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Evangeline's POV

"Sarah Jean and Jacob Dawes butchered what? Twelve girls?" Mama says, causing my eyes to widen in shock. I was only allowed to come with them to the Florida state penitentiary but have to stay in the computer room with Penelope. Unless I had to go to the bathroom and then a guard, Mama or Auntie Elle would take me.

'Thirteen counting the girl that was just found. Hilary Dickson. Disappeared fifteen years ago. Buried her under Sarah's mother's living room." Jason says.

"You think that was the last victim?" Mama asked him.

"Well, that's what we are here to find out." Jason says as we continue driving.

"There is nothing about the dynamics of Sarah Jean and Jacob's relationship." Spencer says while I was drawing in my sketchbook.

"The state isn't interested in dynamics or profiles, they just want this case to go away." Auntie Elle tells him.

"They were caught, they confessed, they got the death penalty." Aaron says while I continue drawing.

"You guys do realize that visiting death rows is not part of my job description?" Penelope said.

"Garcia, this will be the first serial killer couple ever recorded for VICAP." Spencer tells her.

"They slaughtered thirteen young girls with blond hair, hello?!" Penelope says before Mama shows everyone else a video of the killers.

"Sarah Jean Dawes. Media called her the 'ice queen'." Mama says when I see that it's my one of my old foster parents housekeeper, Jean Mason. Well at least that's what I called her because I was two at the time and couldn't pronounce my r's. She never hurt me and in fact was the one who helped me get away from them when she found out that I was being abused.

"That's how they interpreted her demeanour during the trial." Jason says.

"You see it different?" Derek asks Jason

"Na, I didn't say that." Jason says.

"She killed her two year old son and twelve teenage girls." Mama says.

"She did not do it."

"What makes you say that kid?" Derek asked me.

"She cleaned one of my old foster parents homes when I was two and I knew her as Jean Mason. Well I called her that because I could not pronounce my r's. One day she walked in on my foster father beating and raping me while my foster mother videotaped it. She packed my things and we went to the police station where I told them everything. I think that she gave her son away so he could be safe and falsely confessed to his murder because she felt guilty about not saving the other girls." We arrived at the penitentiary and I see women who were dressed up as the murdered girls.

"They call themselves 'the women of Jacob'. Trying to look like his victims." Jason says.

"Creepy." Mama and I both say.

"There's only twelve of them. Should we tell them they're one short?" Derek jokes.

"At least... I think we will find Hilary Dickson was by no means Jacob's last victim." Jason says.


"Tension is mounting here as the FBI's BAU team presence means that they're conducting a series of deathbed interviews in an attempt to find if there are anymore victims. Now it is rumoured they're calling for a stay of execution." The journalist says on the television screen when Hotch walks into the room. Evangeline was with a prison guard, Charles Diehl getting some snacks. He was on his break so he offered to get Evangeline some snacks for her type one diabetes.

"Who the hell told them that?"

'It doesn't matter. I don't see Hotch getting anything out of Jacob." Garcia says before showing me the information that she dug up on Evangeline's second year in foster care.

"From April to July of 1989, two year old Evangeline Foster was placed with the affluent Doyle family in Florida. James Doyle would beat and rape two year old Evangeline while his wife Isla Doyle would videotape the entire incidents. One day their housekeeper witnessed the abuse and got Evangeline out of the house before they went to the police station Evangeline said that her foster family's housekeeper, Jean Mason saved her." I read out loud.

"This is true, but she could have killed her son." Hotch points out to me.

"She could have killed Evangeline but didn't and I'm starting to believe that she didn't kill her son. Now come on, let's get that son of a bitch talking." Hotch and I walked back to Jacob Dawes' interview room.

"Who are you?" Jacob asks me.

"My friends call me JJ. But you're not my friend, so you can call me Jennifer."

"Ouch." Jacob says.

"That was a nice touch bringing in the hottie. You really want to know if there was others, don't you? I'll tell you what. Draw a book, you win, I'll give you another girl." Jacob tells Hotch.

"So there are more." Hotch says.

"Do we have a bet?" Jacob asks.

"What if you win?" Hotch asks him.

"I get to smell Jennifer's hair." Jacob tells Hotch, who looks like he's about to explode.

"It's okay, Hotch."

"JJ deals. Can't let you deal from your own deck." Hotch tells Jacob.

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