Ch. 5: O Great One

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"You got everything?"


"Your lunch money? Your books? Paper? Pencils? Bag?"

"Yes! I have everything!"

I exhale, nodding as I finish the last bit of my makeup. Shawn is in the bathroom right beside my room, doing god knows what while looking in the mirror. I sigh as I fluff my hair, forcing my nerves down as I stand from my vanity.

It's the same as it's been since I first put it together, a random mirror stuck behind an old desk with a dining chair acting as my stool. Most of my furniture is the same, mixed up and worn out.

I grab my new backpack and jacket, checking my dress out before moving towards the bathroom. My white sneakers sparkle as I round the corner, gasping from what I see.

"Shawn! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Giving myself sideburns, duh!"

I roll my eyes, checking my watch once again before looking back up towards my idiot of a brother.

"Well, Mr. Presley...the ride from Graceland is leaving in less than five minutes so you better hurry."

"Haha...Very funny..."

I smile at him as I continue towards the kitchen. I immediately pour myself a glass of orange juice before making me some toast with peanut butter. I spot a lonely banana sitting on the counter, making me smile before grabbing it.

I down my juice in seconds, sighing before rinsing out the cup and grabbing my toast and banana. I start to eat a slice as Shawn walks out of the hall, the stupid sideburns stuck to his face making me roll my eyes.

"Can we stop by Cory's before school? I need to talk to him about something?"

"Can't it wait till we get to school?"


"Fine but I'm not staying for long..."


As soon as we pull up, Shawn hops out and rushes towards the back entrance to the house. I sigh, hoping out to follow him. Passing through a gate, I observe the backyard that I have yet to see. It's smaller than I expected, with more greenery and a large basketball hoop.

I see Shawn through the side door, talking passionately towards Cory. I smile as I step in, gripping the strap that I have sling over my shoulder. A smile drapes my lips as I wave towards the two adults sitting at the table before me.

"They had no right to pass me. I am an idiot!"

"'s okay, Shawnie...admitting it is the first step!"

He glares at me as Mr. Matthews hides his laughter. Mrs. Matthews smiles at me, Morgan doing the same with her cute little smile. She's just so adorable!

"See. Shawn's not reinventing himself, Cory..."

I laugh, moving to lean against the counter beside the two younger boys in the room. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews study my brother, no doubt seeing the issue right away. I sit back and watch, smirking as Mr. Matthews speaks.

"Shawn...are those sideburns?"

"Y-you mean the ones on my face?"

He smiles, caressing one as Mrs. Matthews stands up from the table.

"It's just...when we saw you yesterday, they weren't on your face...were they?"


I laugh, earning another glare from my brother as Mrs. Matthews studies his face closer. Shawn takes a deep breath, reaching for Cory as he meets her eyes.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now