Ch. 36: Tulip

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I look up from putting my bag in my locker, seeing both twins next to me. I grab out the textbooks and notebooks for my first two hours. They wait patiently as I shut my locker and face them head on.

"About what?"

"How did the audition go! That's what!"

Stella groans as Samara nods along with her. I sigh, pushing my lips together while gripping my books closer to my chest. Before I can say anything, Sadie comes around the corner and immediately pulls me into a hug. She pulls back long enough to place her hands on my shoulders with a comforting look on her soft features.

"How are you doing? Is Shawn okay? Did you hear from your parents at all?"

The twins look at us in confusion as I smile, patting Sadie's hands before stepping back. A sigh leaves me as I shift the books once more. A few kids pass us as they hurry to their first hour.

"I'm okay. Shawn's okay. And no. I haven't. And if I did, I don't know if I would be here."

"Why? Where else would you be?"

"Jail. Or prison. Or even dead from trying to kill them both myself."

"What happened?"

Stella finally asks, her and Samara both leaning closer. I glance around, spotting a few gossipy bimbos that I'd rather not overhear us. Clearing my throat, I start to walk with the twins and Sadie falling into step with me.

"I'd rather not talk about it with all the prying ears. I'll tell you both later. And as for you..." I turn towards the blonde, seeing her gulp a little. "Tone down the concern, please. I know you're worried and that you care, and I appreciate it I do, but this is the first time something like this has happened. Okay?"


"But what did happen?"

"You've got us worried, girl."

I sigh, looking between the two twins who give me the same worried look that I received from the blonde beside us. I pull out a pen, flipping open the top notebook before writing down exactly what happened. I hold it out for the two to see while looking around us.

Stella gasps, grabbing the paper as Samara rereads it over her shoulder. The latter grows angry, her face hardening as she crosses her arms. When they look up to talk, I hold up a hand to stop them.

"Not a word."

They nod, Stella moving to hand back my notebook. I close it, letting a sigh loose before moving to walk once more. They follow, all staying quiet with every step. I'm trying for a normal day.

Or as normal as I can get it.


"Hey Stacy!"

I stop, turning to see a face I haven't seen in a while. I smile towards the girl, a tulip in her hands. Brandy holds out the pink flower for me to see. Her smile grows as I brush back my hair.

"Look at this flower!"

"It's beautiful! Tulips are actually one of my favorite flowers..."


"Oh! Uh..." I gasp a little, taking the flower from the girl. "Are you sure?"

She nods, her smile growing.

"Yep! I was told to give it to you!"

Really? Well that's a surprise....

I look back down at flower, my curiosity getting the best of me. My eyes move up to share a look with the girl before me.

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