Ch. 6: First Day

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I step into my first class, immediately taking a seat as more students walk by. I pull out the text book for science, flipping through to see what we may be learning. I hear a few whispers, most directed towards me as a few girls glance my way.

"Look at that's so two years ago..."

A voice behind me says, more than likely directed towards me. An almost identical voice joins in, scoffing a little as they move closer.

"I know! And that dress....who would wear that for school!"

I turn around, a hard glare clear on my face as I stand. A set of twins stand before me, one with hair sticking up everywhere. She has more of a grungy style as she dressed in black, a matching choker around her neck. Her sister is dressed in more preppy clothes, her curly hair pushed back with a headband that matches her plaid skirt.

"Please. My hair? At least I don't look like Cynthia from the Rugrats!" I look towards the other twin, crossing my arms as I offer a fake smile. "Oh and Heather called, they want you to stop stealing from they're costume department..."

I stare them down as they share a look, a smile filling their faces before looking back at me. A laugh breaks through 'Cynthia's' lips, her sister stepping forward as her smile widens.

"Girl...It's good to have you back! We both missed you so much..."

I'm pulled into a hug by Stella, the Preppy 'Heather', as she squeezes me tight. Samara does the same as soon as her sister lets go, squeezing me just as tight and for just as long. A smile drapes my lips, actually genuine this time as we all share a laugh.

"You know we were just playing...I love the new look!"

"Yeah and as soon as we heard that you were back, we knew we had to get you back for leaving us like that!"

Stella and Samara laugh as I shake my head. I definitely didn't leave in the right way, but they were on vacation! How was I supposed to tell them without a phone call!

"I missed you both too...and I'm glad to know someone here."

I glare at the group of girl staring at me, Stella and Samara doing the same over both my shoulders. The three blondes look away, clearing their throats as I turn back to my old friends.

"'s life?"

The bell rings then, causing all three of us to look up while shaking our heads. We all have smiles on our faces as I laugh, Stella doing the same as Samara scoffs.

"We'll talk later..." Samara starts out, her sister finishing her sentence."We have so much to catch up on!"

"Can't wait!"

Mrs. Brooks walks in, signaling for everyone to take a seat as we do just that. Stella is right beside me, Samara behind her as we both immediately start to pay attention. Samara gets out her sketch book, deciding to do that instead.


My next class, English, I don't have the twins as a crutch. There's still people talking, people staring, and even people pointing. I sigh, sitting down immediately as a hard glare makes it's way onto my face. Pulling out 'Pride and Prejudice', I open it to where I left off as I wait for the bell.

"Excuse me..." I look up, seeing a fidgeting blonde gripping books to her chest and a strap to her shoulder. "Can I sit here?"

She points towards the seat to my left, making me draw my eyebrows together.

"Uh...yeah! Sure!"


She sits down immediately, clearing her throat as she debates on speaking again. I can see the internal struggle, her fingers tapping as she looks between me and my book.

Stacy Hunter -BMWOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora