Ch. 30: Test Season

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"Hurry up!"

I bang on the bathroom door, my clothes for the day in my arms. Shawn is taking forever to do whatever the hell he's doing. Natalie walks up as I bang again. She's already dressed and ready to go as she nods towards me.

"You'll be able to give me a ride to work after school right?"

"If we even make it in the first place..." I bang on the door again, raising my voice as my annoyance grows. "We're going to be late, Shawn! Hurry up!"

"Is he still in there?"

"Yeah! He won't hurry!"

The door flies open after that sentence, Shawn standing there with a smirk. A putrid smell comes wafting out as Natalie and I both grimace.

"All yours!"

"Damn, kid...what died?"

Natalie gets out, waving her free hand in front of her face. I lightly shove my brother as he walks past and towards the kitchen. With one hand over my nose and mouth, I walk in and grab the floral spray I got last week. I spray the room and hall as a gag comes on.

"Really! What did you eat?"

I set down my clothes and towel, walking out while the door is open so that I'm not dying from the toxic air that now fills the room. Deciding that I should go ahead and make sure I have everything else ready as I hear Natalie and Shawn joking in the other room.


"It's test season already?"

"That's what I'm thinking..."

Stella and Samara sit on either side of me in our first hour. The fake test pamphlet that we're doing as practice sits in front of us as the teacher walks to the front of the class. The old man starts to speak, drawing most attention towards him as groans fill the air.

"This is just a practice test for the big test in a month. I'll set a timer, no talking as you fill out the scantron with a number two pencil. And this will be graded."

More groans fill the air as I give the girls a look. Samara rolls her eyes as Stella nods her head while looking up at the teacher. I sigh, grabbing my pencil before preparing to take the test.

I've got this....


"I totally bombed!"

I take a bite of my school pizza as Sadie flops down across from me. Samara gives her a comforting look as she gives her half of her cookie.

"I'm sorry, sweetie...want this?"

Sadie takes it, upset with herself as Stella and I share a look. I swallow, offering a smile as I look at the blonde.

"I could tutor you for a bit? Or we could set up a study group for the coming test?"

"You would do that?"

"Of course!"

"Miss Hunter...Miss Sloan..."

We turn towards Mr. Feeny as he walks up towards our table. He smiles towards Stella and I before the looking towards the other two girls.

"Miss Hall..Miss Sloan..." he looks back at Stella and I, folding his arms in front of him. "Miss Hunter...I understand that you and Miss Sloan here got the highest grades this year so far, correct?"

"I'm not sure if it's the highest..but we both do have straight A's at the moment, yes."

"Would you both be willing to tutor a few of your...should I say..misfortunate classmates for the up coming testing season? You see..I'm afraid some might not meet the criteria for graduation if they don't pull this off now."

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