Ch. 33: Gianna Johnson

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I turn to her completely, beyond confused as she shrugs. The doors open, leaving us in the empty hallway that leads to her new home. She starts walking, glancing over towards me as I continue to look at her.

"Oh...nothing. Just that I keep on seeing you two together and you always have the same look on your face..."

"Eric's my friend, okay? I only see him as a friend. That's it."

"If you say so..."

She gives me another smirk as she opens the door. She sets the box down on the table with everything else before moving towards the door farthest from the hall. A double bed, dresser, and two side tables are all that takes up the space. Two doors sit on either side of the dresser making me draw my eyebrows together.

"What's with the doors?"

"One is the closet and the other leads to the small bathroom....which leads to the gym."

"Interesting...this apartment is huge!"

"I know! I'm honestly really excited to live here..." she plops down on the mattress, looking up at the tall ceiling. "It's bigger than my mom's duplex."

"It's bigger than the trailer..."

We share a laugh, a yawn cutting me off. I sigh, looking around before speaking.

"I'm gonna head out..."

"Okay. Thanks again."

"No problem. See ya."

I walk out, heading straight to the door. As I'm walking pass the couch, the front door opens. I stop, freezing a little as a beautiful girl walks in with a small dog clutched to her chest. She freezes as well when she sees me, her manicured hand reaching up to take off her sunglasses.

"Hi...who are you?"

" names Stacy Hunter..."

"What're you doing in my apartment?"

"Uh..I was helping Natalie move in."

"Ohhhh! That makes sense. Nice to meet you! My names Gianna Johnson..."

She holds out her hand, smiling at me. I do the same, my own smile coming on. Her dog growls, giving me a death glare as I slowly back up.

"Fanta! Enough!"


"I originally was going to get an orange soda when I saw him on the side of the could I not keep him!"


"Thanks! I love him."

She moves past me, setting the small dog down before moving into the kitchenette. She pulls open the fridge, grabbing out a drink before turning towards me.

"Would you like something?"

"No, thank you. I actually have to get going..."

I point towards the door, a sorry look on my face as she nods. Fanta moves to sniff my leg, making me a little anxious.

" was nice to meet you!"

"You too..." I open the door, offering a small wave before shutting the door. "Bye!"


"Where's Nat?"

I look up towards Shawn, seeing him stand in my doorway with a confused face. I look back down at my paper before speaking.

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