Ch. 28: Birthday Blues

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I woke up to the trailer park version of birds chirping. In other words, the crackheads two doors down screaming about who took the others sweatpants and tank top. I guess it's better than last weeks brawl over nail polish.

I get out of bed, my hair in two French braids over both shoulders as my bare feet pad against the linoleum. Shawn's room is empty, Virna and dad's the same way as I exhale.

I guess no birthday breakfast with my family this year....

I sigh, walking towards the kitchen to make me breakfast. I see our answering machine flashing as I walk past. I push the button for the messages to start playing before moving towards the cabinets. I pull out a bowl as an unfamiliar voice begins to speak.

"Hi! I'm Jason Loomis from Auto Protection and I'm calling about your car's extended warranty...."

I roll my eyes, walking over and hitting the delete button. The next one starts to play as I walk towards the fridge. I grab out the milk before reaching above to grab my favorite cereal. Two voices start to sing in unison, making me smile.

"Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you...happy birthday our beautiful queen..happy birthday to you!" I roll my eyes, shaking my head as my smile stays intact. "Happy birthday! We love you!"

"Sorry we couldn't be there and Stella wants you to know that she's still planning the party!"

"It'll just have to be later after Nana's funeral and everything...this was just so unexpected and we're just..."

"We're getting through it and we want you to know that we love you!"

The phone beeps, my smile dropping as I think of the twins halfway across the country. Their grandma passed unexpectedly two nights ago and they're in Kansas dealing with the loss. The next recording starts to play as I pour the cereal into the bowl.

"Hey! Happy birthday! I wish I was there! My dad always wants to go see mom's grave around this time of year and I couldn't stop him from choosing today...I hope your day is amazing and just know I have a gift waiting for you in my room right this moment! Love you!"

Another sigh escapes me, Sadie also out of town. The next recording starts to play as I pour the milk, grabbing a spoon before taking my first bite. Vivian's voice fills the room next as chattering is heard in the background. I prepare myself for this one as that's never a good sign.

"Hey! Happy Birthday, Peanut! Listen..I know I said that I would take you to the DNV today to get your license..but something came up. I'm stuck in Milan right now and won't be able to free up time until at least mid-February...I will say this. As soon as I have the time, I'm gonna take off a week..come get you and Shawn both out of school and we'll go do something fun! No work and no school! We'll just have to get the late work and plan something that you both will does that sound? Oh! I gotta go! Love you!"

Great...another person out.

I huff, rolling mg eyes as the answering machine starts to play the same thing it does after all the messages have been read. I look down at my bowl, taking another bite as the silence fills the air.


I find Shawn at the Matthews, sitting on the couch with all three of the kids of the house. I smile, shutting the front door behind me as they stare dead eyed at the TV.


No one looks at me, all letting out zombie like grunts as I step closer. I look at the screen, not recognizing what's playing. I smile again, this one not as genuine as I look at the four people on the couch.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now