Ch. 25: Gifts and Presents

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"And this is my favorite!"

I smile, looking over the dolls that line the dresser. They're a mix between baby dolls and Barbie's, all smiling back at me. Morgan holds up a baby with blue eyes and brown hair.

"She's pretty..."

"It's a he...and he wants you to hold him."

I take ten doll, holding it as if it's a real baby. Morgan starts to look around while I fake rocking the baby. She starts to dig in her pile of clothes.

"What are you looking for?"

"His favorite shirt..."

She pulls out a sweater large enough for me to wear. I give her a confused look right as Eric walks in.

"Hey, Weasel? Do you know where my Christmas sweater is?"

He stops as soon as he sees me, freezing in place as I offer a smile. We haven't spoken since the dance, the night ending with no more closure to our conversation.

"Hey, Eric...Merry Christmas!"

I keep my smile intact, acting as if I was feeding the baby with the plastic baby bottle that was laying on the bed beside me. He gives me a weird look, his eyes dropping down to the babydoll as his eyebrow raises.

"What're you doing?"

"She's playing Mommy!"

Morgan crosses her arms, glaring up at her older brother. I fight back a laugh as she steps up, standing in between Eric and I.

"Well. I can see that, Weasel. I mean what is she doing here?"

An unexplainable pang fills my chest as my smile drops. I quickly fix myself, going for a laidback, neutral look. Morgan stomps on his foot, making me burst into laughter. I quickly catch myself, faking a cough before offering a small smile.

Eric hops around as he holds his foot, making Morgan smile as she steps back. She turns and grabs another baby and plastic bottle, moving to sit by me as she starts to follow my actions.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way, I ment I thought you were working..."

Eric finally drops his foot to the ground while looking at me. I nod, deciding to look down at the plastic doll in my hands. I move it into a 'burping' position as Morgan looks up at her brother with attitude.

"Yeah I was..."

"She just got here, you nimrod!"

I hold back a laugh as a smile overtakes my face once again. I clear my throat, fighting laughter as Eric puts his hands on his hips, looking at his little sister.

"Alright, you little weasel..I was talking to her."

"I'm sorry...I must have forgotten about this being my room!"

I snort, the sassiness coming from this girl being to much. I shake my head, acting as if I'm still taking care of the baby as Eric shifts. He's clearly annoyed with his hands still on his hips.

"Well. I need to talk to her!"

"Either grab a baby and take a seat, or hit the road!"

"You heard her!"

I smirk, looking at Eric as he gives me a look. He looks between us before groaning, exhaling while throwing his hands up.


He reaches for a random babydoll and sits down on one of the toy chairs. He looks at me, eyeing something beside me before holding out his hands.

"Can I have that?"

Stacy Hunter -BMWHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin