Ch. 20: Lipless

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"He choked! And now I have to play comfort and I can't be happy about my own night..."

"It's okay Shawn...just help him through it.." I sigh, finishing with my makeup as Shawn sits on my bed. "How did your night go?"

"I kissed a beautiful brunette and a blonde later that night!"

I give him a look through the mirror, shaking my head a little even though I have a smile on my face. I'm used to his antics by now, I just hope he fixes it before he moves on to bigger things.

I fluff my hair before standing, grabbing my bags as Shawn follows me. He finished getting ready fifteen minutes ago, so he's just waiting on me. I hand him my gym bag, smirking at the eye roll before moving into the kitchen. I grab two bananas and bottles of orange juice, handing one of each to the boy before moving towards the door.

"This will pass...Cory will be fine, you'll be fine, and you'll both forget about this before you're thirty!"

"Thirty? That's so far away!"

I roll my eyes, opening the door and walking out as he struggles with everything in his hands. I get out my keys, skipping towards the driver's side as my brother grumbles behind me.


I'm once again sitting alone in the cafeteria, in the same as yesterday as I glare at the freshmen who stole my spot. I'm eating my pizza that I bribed a senior to go get, watching as they laugh and joke around. Too bad the girls are gone, I'd be over there right now doing the exact same thing.

"Hey, Baboon!"

I look over towards Shawn and Cory's table, seeing Harley and his crew walking up to them. Shawn stands, clearly scared as he shuffles back towards the vending machines.

Harley sits down, immediately looking at Cory as I shut the box of pizza. My motherly senses kick in, making me narrow my eyes as I zero in on their conversation.

"There's an inspirational thought I'd like to share with you...'I cried because I had no shoes..until I met a boy who had no lips.'"

I roll my eyes, deciding to stand up. Joey, the annoying sidekick starts to ramble, making a headache come on as I step over. Before I can say anything, my brother starts speaking from his spot over by the vending machines.

"Look. Cory's obviously depressed, so why don't you just leave him alone?!"

He receives a look from all three of them, making him jump back to his spot by the vending machine. I cross my arms, watching them all as Cory speaks up for himself.

"Why do you even care about nothings like us?"

"'Cause you seventh graders are my little ant farm...I watch you work and play..and run through your tiny tunnels...and when I hear that one of my little ants is getting his legs ripped off..well..I can't miss that."

"And here I thought my life had no meaning..."

Frankie grabs Cory, making me clear my throat. They all stop, turning to look at me as I offer a smile. I tap my fingers against my arm as I nod to the three older males.

"Harley..Joey..Frankie..." I take a step closer, my smile staying intact. "I understand your whole..'Ant farm' situation, but you see...these two are my little specks and I don't appreciate the slander..."

"Sorry, Miss Barbie...we'll be on our way."

Harley smirks towards me as he stands and turns towards the door. Joey follows right behind him as Frankie moves his hand to tap Cory's shoulder. He nods down at the small boy as Shawn and Cory stare at me in shock.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now