Ch. 26: End of Break

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The day that I finally get back to Philly, they've already been in lessons for two days. I have to rush to get ready, just tossing my hair up in a somewhat presentable bun and doing minimal to my face.

I quickly toss on a clean tank before reaching for my green over shirt I stole from Shawn. I already have on some jeans and converse so I just grab my woven cloth bag with my gifts in it. Samara, Sadie, Stella, and I decided to exchange gifts the first day that we're all back.

I guess that's today....

I grab my gym bag and my backpack before rushing out the door and towards my car. I already missed first period so I'll try and make it to second.


"And where have you been?!"

I smile, walking up to our table with my tray of food. The greasy macaroni and fish sticks being my only option with my little time to prepare this morning. Stella crosses her arms, Sadie and Samara both turning to look at me. Taking my spot, I exhale a long sigh before flopping back against the chair.

"I got off the plane five hours ago and had to immediately go home, take a quick shower, find clean clothes, find your presents and pack my gym bag before trying to make it here just to find out I missed my first two classes and have a tarty for my third..."

"I'm sorry, want my muffin?"

Samara holds out a banana nut muffin, making me smile a little. I nod as she sets it down next to my tray. Sadie smiles at me, leaning closer as she scoots her chair.

" was your break?"

"My break? You mean my jam packed work schedule. Believe it or not, this is my break. School."

"Girl...I don't envy you..."

Samara shakes her head, her sister agreeing with her as they both continue to eat their own food.

"What did you get us?"

Stella asks as she reaches for her drink. I sigh, pushing around the greasy Mac and cheese. Sadie and Samara both lean in, hoping to know as I give them each a smile.

"Your gifts are in my locker...along with everyone else's."

"Everyone else's? Who did you get gifts for?"

"Well, Samara..I got gifts for all my teachers, just a little gift bag with various candy and a decoration for each subject that they teach...I got a gift for your older sister for letting me join the team..a gift for Brandy because she's so nice and adorable..and a gift for-"

"Hey! Stace! Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?"

Shawn walks by with his tray as Cory stands beside him. They both have smiles on their faces as they move to sit down at the table in front of us. Shawn is wearing some of his new clothes that I got him for Christmas, making me smile.

" back after you already left for school."

"So you'll be able to give me a ride after school?"



He faces forward again, making me shake my head as I face my friends. They all wait for me to continue what I was saying, making me smile as I start to eat my lunch.


"Let's head to Chubbies and we can just exchange gifts there.."

"That sounds good, Sades...but I can't stay long."

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