Ch. 38: Ghost

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"Are you ready to tell me what's bothering you?"

Eric sighs, shutting the textbook in his lap. He looks up towards me as I cross my arms. His face is still how it was when I left, jaw tight and body stiff.

"Nothing is bothering me, Stacy."

"Uh-huh...and I'm the queen of England with a large palace filled with corgis. What's bothering you?"


"Eric. You're studying. There is obviously something bothering you."

He huffs, setting both the textbook and his notebook onto the coffee table. He looks up to meet my eyes as his jaw tightens more. I feel my arms cross as I don't break eye contact.

"Nothing is wrong with me, Stacy. And if there was something wrong with me, I wouldn't tell you."

"Why not? We're friends! That's what friends do!"

He huffs as I throw my hands up. I can hear Mrs. Matthews and Morgan in the kitchen singing and dancing to Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks. They seem ignorant to what Eric and I are saying.

"Is it Kimberly? Did you two breakup?"

I hadn't seen them together since before I went to my audition in LA. Kimberly I always with her group of prim and proper friends while Eric's usually with His friends or the basketball team. I also haven't seen him hitting on any of the female population in Philadelphia.

"Kimberly? What makes you think this has anything to do with her?"

"Isn't that why most teenage boys get mad or upset? Because of a girl?"

He looks almost offended as he stands. His arms cross as he stands before me with his tight jaw on full display. His brown eyes burn into my blue as his body stands right before me.

"Fine. This is about a girl. She is beyond beautiful, caring, funny, and headstrong. So headstrong that she doesn't even see what's right in front of her."

His eyes shift between both of mine, filled with multiple unanswered questions. His eye contact is heavy with emotions that I can't place. Who is he talking about? I know he has said somethings to me in the past, but he can't be talking about me right? Not when he is constantly with other girls, right?


Before I can say anything, the doorbell rings. Eric breaks eye contact as a breath I didn't realize I was holding is released. I clear my throat as he reaches the door, opening it just enough for him to see who was outside. His body blocks any view I would have as a slightly familiar voice fills the now quiet room.

"Hello..uh..I'm sorry. Is this the Matthews residence?"

"Yeah. What can I do for you?"

It's not hard to miss the snip in his voice as he crosses his arms. The voice I've only ever heard through speakers speaks once more as I feel my body freeze. Unknown emotions threaten to overflow as my breathing stops.

"Hi. I'm Clara Shields and I'm looking for a young woman named Stacy Hunter. Is she here? She should be around your age, actually..."

Eric glances back towards me as I'm knocked out of my shock. I feel myself step forward, as if I'm on autopilot. My arms fold tighter over my chest as her face comes into view. Her smile freezes as she sees me behind the boy I was just talking too moments ago.

Tears well up in her eyes, causing anger to grow within me. She clears her throat, pushing down whatever tears were about to fall as she looks me over. Eric steps further out of the way, still holding onto the door as he watches me as well.

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