Ch. 21: Shields

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"What're your plans after the game?"

I put my hair into a pony as Sadie stands beside me. It's another basketball game and we're on the sidelines in our cheer uniforms. I shrug, twisting the scrunchy until it's tight enough. Stella and Samara are talking with Demi, trying to get her to ease up on her tyrant behavior.

"I don't know...probably go home or something."


I look up, my eyes widening as I see a familiar face hanging over the railing of the bleachers. I wave, offering a confused smile as Sara waves back.

"Is that your long lost sister?"

"Yeah..." I see two other girls and a little boy with her, the oldest of the three reading a book while the two younger one fight over popcorn. "And my other siblings..."


Sadie and I stare up at them until we hear the whistle. Halftime comes around, meaning we have to do our practice performance for the crowd. I clear my throat, throwing on a smile before getting into my place. I have to go up and be turned around while holding still as a statue.

Natalie nods towards me as the music starts, our rivalry being put to bed as she moves to do the first move.


"Okay! So practice is on Monday and I want full effort!?!"

I sigh, grabbing my stuff out of the locker as the twins roll their eyes beside me. Sadie nods along with Demi, listening while leaning against her gym locker.

I sling my gym bag over my shoulder before shutting my locker. Demi wraps up her speech before grabbing her own stuff and moving towards the exit. I sigh, smiling towards the girls before moving to leave as well.

"I'll see you guys later..."

"You aren't going to Chubbies with us?"

"I have to talk to someone. Save me a seat, I'll try to be there!"

I wave, walking out as the girls grab their own bags. As I exit the locker room, I look down at my keys as I get the car key ready. The hallway is dark from it being past school hours, only a portion of the school open to the public during game time.


I jump, grabbing my chest as Sara stands right outside the locker room door. She has a wide smile on her face as she grips a pamphlet from the game to her chest. I clear my throat, throwing on my own smile while brushing my hair back.

"Hi...I didn't know you'd be here?"

" was out of town so I decided to come to the game tonight."

"What about the other three?"

"Uh..Lily found the scrapbook and showed Owen and Diane. They wanted to meet you and wouldn't let up until they did!"

"Where are they now?"

I look around, only seeing students and their parents leaving the game. She steps forward, clearing her throat as she holds her smile in place.

Stacy Hunter -BMWWhere stories live. Discover now