Chapter 1

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Julianna's POV

~Monday, 5/02/2023- 7:33 am

I walked into my room depressed because my (now) ex-boyfriend just dumped me at lunch today. I dropped my bag on the wooden floor and jumped onto my bed. I turned around and on my bed I saw an envelope addressed to me. I was very confused. I picked the envelope up and opened it, I found a paper. The paper read:

Dear Julianna McNeil,

This is a letter to inform you that you have been selected randomly to attend the Anderson Academy this year as a first year student. There will be 80 other students attending with you. Please have your bag packed with items you would like to take with you, but we ask for you to please not bring any electronics. You must tell you're parents/guardians that it is a boarding school and you MUST attend. The bus will pick you up at 6:30 am sharp on Wednesday, 7/02/2023. Please do not hold the bus up.

You have been put into dorms with 2 other girls. Their names are: Madeline McRob and Georgia Williams who are around the same age as you.  While you are attending Anderson Academy we ask that you follow the following rules:

1. Strictly NO boys in girls dorms and NO girls in boys dorms! If you would like to meet with the opposite gender it must be in a public location.

2. No entering anyone else's rooms unless you have permission.

3. Uniform MUST be worn at all times.

4. No electronics

5. You MUST attend all required meetings unless you have a note from a teacher.

6. You MUST listen to your tower leader.

Now, you must be wondering what colour and room you are in, we would like to inform you that you're in the green tower and you are in room 2 on floor 2.

We can't wait to see you!

- Eleanor Smith (Principal at Anderson Academy.)

I've been accepted into a new school?! Perfect timing. I started packing my bag. I know the letter said to not bring electronics but I never follow the rules anyways. I hid my electronics in my pillow case in hopes no one looks there. 

~Wednesday, 8/02/23- 6:29am

It was quite good weather today so I had on a green shirt which matched the colour of my eyes, black shorts and a white jumper around my waist. I was so excited to finally leave my adopted family and school in the past. I decided to not say bye to anyone. I stood outside my house with all my bags ready to start a new adventure by myself. I couldn't wait to meet new people and hopefully make new friends.

Then I saw a bus turn into my street. The bus looked more like a train. It had 2 levels to it. It stopped infront of my house and I pulled my bags onto the vehicle. I stepped inside and I walked the corridors to find an empty room. I sat by the window by myself.

Then 2 girls walked inside and looked at me.

"Sorry, is this room taken? Can we sit with you?" The girl with black hair and blue eyes asked me.

Anderson AcademyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ