Chapter 19

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~Sunday, 19/02/2023 - 10:13 am

Sawyer's POV

It's around 10 in the morning and Juju still isn't awake. She's been quite wrestles while she was sleeping and I took a peek to look at her arms and the blood has dried up. Mason and Elliot came around a couple of times to check on me and bring me and Juju some breakfast. I've been watching over her and her sugars to make sure nothing happens. Some of the other guys also came around to check on Jules. One of the guys also got Mrs. Smith so I could tell her what happened and Georgia and Madeline are getting punished now. Mrs. Smith also said Juju could stay in my room even though there is no one else here, she can trust me. She also gave me and Juju a couple of days off school. Her roomate came by a couple of times to see where Juju was and I just told her, it was a different room and she got scared during the night so she came here.

~11:53 am

She's still asleep...

Then when I went to the bathroom I heard a noise.

"Sawyer." Juju cried out.

"It's ok, I'm here." I told her as I rushed to her side.

She quickly clung onto me.

"What's the time?" Juju asked.

"11:54." I told her.

"I slept for a while."

"Wanna get lunch?"


We walked off towards the dining hall, there were fruits lined up along the back wall, drinks lined up on the left wall and on the right wall was the kitchen. Juju walked towards the kitchen to collect her lunch and I followed her because the chefs love me and reserve a little bit extra for me.

"Fruit?" I asked her as we walked along the line of fruit.

"Nah, the chefs now know to add apples with my meals on the side."

"Inside or outside?" I asked her.

"I generally like outside but it's cold and wet outside so inside?"


We took a seat at a table and some of the guys walked into the dining hall. I waved them down.

"Can they eat with us?" I asked her.


"Hey Jules." Kyle said as he walked past and put his bag on a chair.

"Woah Kyle, apparently Mr. Anderson over there said that he has claimed the name Jules for her." Elliot said smirking at me.

"Nah, it's fine. I've claimed another name which she loves alot more than Jules. Right Juju?" I asked her.

And she smiled and nodded.

"Ok." Mason said laughing.

"Hey, umm.. Sawyer." ELliot said nodding his head towards the door of the dining hall."

"Go, it's fine." Juju told me.

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