Chapter 9

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Sawyer's POV

I heard a massive thud as I assumed Julianna fell to the concrete ground. I sprinted towards the now broken window. I ignored the shattered glass and a pain shot through my foot.

"Fvck!" I cried looking at my foot. I just stood on broken glass!

"You ok?" Phillip asked running towards me.

"I'm fine. We need to get down there and check on Julianna!" I told him aggressively.

He nodded and started running towards the stairs. I followed him jumping on one foot so I didn't push the glass in further. Phillip got to her first and she was laying on the ground unconscious with shattered glass everywhere!

"Get the nurse!" I yelled to Phillip, as I cautiously approached Julianna.

Phillip ran towards the nurses office. I carefully sat down on the concrete away from the glass. I looked down at my foot and it was dripping with blood!

"Fvck." I said to myself. "Julianna, why did you have to do this to yourself?" I whispered to her unconscious body.

The nurse arrived with lots of bags and an out of breathe Phillip. 

"I didn't think it was this bad!" The nurse says, very shocked. "What happened?"

Phillip started explaining everything he knew.

The nurse starts grabbing stuff from her bag and approaches me first!

"I'm sorry, what are you doing?" I ask her.

"Helping you."

"Can you help Julianna first?" I asked politely.

"It's best to help the conscious person first."

"I know, but please help her."

"Ok, but at least give me 5 minutes to look at your foot first. Then I'll help her."

"Ok, fine."

She came to me and looked at my foot which is still dripping in blood.

"There's glass in your foot!" She says shocked.

"Yeah, I know. I accidently stood on it."

The nurse grabs some tweezers and uses it to pull out the glass.

"Thanks." I say.

"I'll help your friend now, but hold this towel to your foot." She says.

I nod. The nurse turns to help Julianna.

"There's nothing I can do, can you call an ambulance?" The nurse asks after 5 minutes of assessing her.

"Yep." Says Phillip as he dials the number.

"Is she still alive?" I ask worried.

"Yes, barely."

Then we see Mrs. Smith walking towards us with a pan and an unhappy expression.

"What is all this noise so early in the morning?!" She yells.

Then she sees what's happened and looks very puzzled.

"What's happened here? And why is the unbreakable window broken?!" She asks furious.

"Long story short, Julianna broke it and jumped out of the window." Phillip said.

"What?!" She exclaims shocked and angry.


"Then what's wrong with Sawyer?"

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