Chapter 17

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Julianna's POV

I walked into the crowded hall with Sawyer and his friends, the hall was already quite full as we entered so we took some seats at the back.

"Hello students, we have put each of you in your new towers, for some, you have stayed in the same tower meaning you will remain in the same room unless told otherwise. For the students who have moved towers, please be moved by tomorrow at the latest. Classes won't start till Tuesday due to us having to change students schedules." Mrs. Smith announced.

"As you all know, green is the lowest tower, followed by blue then red then black. I will start with Green, the following names will remain in the same tower and are asked to please leave the hall and head off to your tower to see if you have changed rooms." Mrs. Smith continued. 

She went through the green tower students and my name wasn't called meaning I have moved towers. Then she went through blue and my name still wasn't called. I assumed I was going to be in red but my name wasn't called. There was only a handful of students left in the hall, Georgia and Madeline's names were already called and they were in red tower together. Then Mrs. Smith called out the students names who will be leaving the school, only 5 students names were called and they exited the hall looking sad, now there were only 2 female students left in the hall, me and another girl. 

"Congratulations, you guys are the black tower students. I will still read out names to confirm. Sawyer Anderson is the tower captain, then we have Elliot Williams, Mason Green, Addison Johansson, Julianna McNeil, Kyle Gomez, John Cooper, Harry Robinson, Kai Peterson, Jackson Smith, Ryan Adams, Cameron Johansson. If your name wasn't called, please come to speak with a teacher."

"Ay! McNeil's in our tower!" Elliot said.

"Do you want us to help you move stuff?" Sawyer asked me.


We walked off to my room and I gave them each a box to carry. Sawyer forced me to carry the lightest box which contained my diabetic supplies. When we got to the black tower the door was open due to students not having ties yet. In the common room there was a lost of names and which room you were in. Since black tower always had the least amount of students, each room had 3 bathrooms, 3 wardrobes and 3 mini rooms inside the room with a mini living room, TV and kitchen. Since there were only 2 girls in black tower this year, I shared with Addison. I was on floor 2 room 2. Opposite my room was the boys. They moved rooms so the girls could be on one side and the boys on the other. Sawyer had room 1 with Elliot and Mason, while room 3 was Kyle, John and Harry. Then the other boys in black had there rooms, since there were 4 of them they had 2 people in there room. Cameron and Ryan shared in room 5 and Kai and Jackson shared in room 7. At the very end of the hall was a massive girls and boys bathroom and downstairs on floor 1 is the main common room while on floor 2 is the quiet common room.

I opened my new room door and my roomate, Addison was already inside.

"Hi, Julianna right?" She asked me.

"Yep, you must be Addison?" I asked.

"Yep, but you can call me Addy."

"You can call me Jules or Anna, whichever you prefer."

"Ok, which mini room do you want?" She asked me.

I quickly walked through each mini room and only 1 of the rooms had a mini fridge, it was the one at the very back left hand side of the room. 

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