Chapter 22

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~Monday, 20/02/23 - 6:43 am

Sawyer's POV

I woke up quite early this morning and went for a run around the track. Now I'm getting ready for breakfast which is at 7 today. I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket and placed all my homework into my school bag then I headed out the my mini room door. I walked into the living room and Elliot was answering the front door.

"Anderson, it's Jules." Elliot said.

He opened the door wider and Juju was crying and hugging my hoodie tightly. 

"Juju, come here." I told her gently.

She ran into my arms and cried even harder. Elliot left the room and I led Juju into my own room.

"What's wrong Juju?" I asked as I sat her on my bed.

"I-I lost m-my h-homework." She whispered.

"Oh, Juju, I took it last night when you were sleeping." I told her gently.

"W-w-why?" She asked.

"I went to check on you at after curfew since you never came to my room and I saw your incomplete homework so I took it and did it for you but I forgot to put it back on your desk."

"Thanks Sawyer." She whispered.

"You ok now?" I asked her.

She nodded. 

"Here, I'll give you your homework now so you can pack it away." I told her as I gently picked her up and carried her to my desk.

"Wanna go down to breakfast after you put it away?" I asked her.

"Ok, but can we not eat in the hall?"

"Yeah, where would you like to eat?"

"Well I wanna eat here but we can't since your friends are probably eating in the dining hall so common room?"

"Sure, but I can ask them if they wanna hang in my room so we can eat here." I suggested.

"No, it's ok."

I carried her to her room and she packed her school bag and then we left for breakfast. Everyone was piling into the dining hall finding seats and grabbing some food. I went with Juju to collect her food from the kitchen when an announcement was made.

"Good morning everyone." Mrs. Smith announced through the loud speaker.

"Some weekly announcements for this week. The dining hall time has changed due to some classes getting rearranged for the tower swaps that occured, breakfast now starts at 6 am and closes at 8, but snacks are available to grab outside the dining hall anytime, such as fruits, drinks, small sandwiches. Lunch begins at 11:30 and ends at 1:30, then dinner starts at 6 pm and closes just before curfew at 9. Curfew now begins at 10:30 due to the after class activities." Mrs. Smith announced.

"Uniforms are arranged for the students who have switched tower colours, so please collect that by the end of the day or it will get sent to your tower leader. Classes now begin at 8:30 and they end at 3:30. We have also noticed some students leaving towers very early in the morning so from now on, you are not allowed to leave your tower from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am, unless it is very important. Uniform must be worn at all times, even weekends. We have designed new uniform for the weekends and pajamas you must wear unless you get an exemption."

"Yay more uniform." Juju said annoyed as we went to grab my breakfast.

While I grabbed some fruit for both of us, I noticed Juju stopped walking, Georgia pulled her outside to the courtyard and I saw her whispering to Juju. They were clearly talking about me because during their conversation Georgia kept looking at me. I could tell whatever Georgia was saying wasn't nice because Juju looked like she was about to cry.

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