Chapter 12

12 1 0

Sawyer's POV

"Hey guys. Mrs. Smith sent me to tell you that the tests are starting in 10 minutes and you need to be down now." Phillip said standing at the entrance to the common room.

"Ok, thanks Phillip." I say.

Phillip starts to leave then he turns around and says: "Can Julianna do the tests with a bad ankle?"

"We'll find out soon won't we." She replies. "What are in the tests anyway?"

"Basically they first test your power level which is how good or bad you are. Then your energy level which is how strong you are. Then they put you in a group and you fight another group. Then they will decide to either leave you in the same tower, kick you out of the school or put you in a different tower." I tell her.

"How many people get into black?" She asks, putting her knee brace on.

"Every year generally 5. The most people in black have been 30." I reply.

"How do you get kicked out of the school?"

"Well everyone's here for a reason, but they kick you out if you go against the rules, cheat in anyway during the tests or have a very weak energy level."

"Has anyone ever been kicked out?"

"2 people from the blue tower because they found a way to cheat."

"Enough chit chat, let's go." Phillip said standing at the door.

"Can you walk?" I ask her.

"If I need to fight someone I need to be able to walk so I'll be fine."


We followed Phillip and Julianna was limping.

"Nice of you to join us." Mrs. Smith called out to us as we entered the dining hall. 

"Sorry Miss, Julianna's ankle." I say.

"All good. Take a seat. We were just going through the rules." Mrs. Smith said through a microphone.

We were all getting placed randomly into an order, second year student in between a first year.

"You go up in pairs and a machine will scan you. A light will turn green when the first scan is done and it will turn yellow when the second is done. Everyone can see your scores through the screens hanging around the room. The scan shows your current and future statistics, future as in next tests for your year, we do tests twice a year, start and end. We will then place you into pairs and you will fight another pair, but you will be attached to monitors to show your statistics." Mrs. Smith said. "Any questions?"

Everyone shook there head.

"Good. First you're going to your assigned seat for today. So everyone stand up."

As soon as we all stood up the chairs moved around and name tags landed on chairs.

"You should all be given the exact location of your chair. A is at the front."

I walked to my chair which was Z1. Then I saw Julianna limping to the row Z so I went to ask her:

"What number?"

"2, Z2." She said.

"What luck, you're my partner." I replied.

"Yay." She said sarcastically.

"Did you take your stuff off?" I asked her.

"What stuff?"

"Your dexcom, insulin pump, jewelry, basically anything metal."

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