Chapter 6

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Shohei's POV:

So I'm currently driving with this beautiful girl in my passenger seat that I met yesterday twice. I'll tell you how we met.


I had just finished hanging out with the team at practice. And I decided I wanted some poke/sushi because I love poke.

For sushi, I would always would always go to this one restaurant near my house. I'd give it a solid 10/10. Everything about it was amazing.

Walking into the restaurant, I saw this girl sitting by herself. I first ordered my food and then decided to sit next to her.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked with her back facing me.

"I don't mind." She chuckled and turned around.

A hint of sweetness hit my nose.

She looked stunning. Her mid-length brown hair and her light brown eyes were beautiful. And her smile... Her smile can light up the entire room.

I swear it felt like love at first sight.

As I sat next to her, I was engulfed with her sweet scent even though there was a chair in between us.

Minutes had passed, and her roll finally arrived. 

During those minutes, I was thinking about how I could make the first move without looking like a creep. I started to doubt myself until my bowl had arrived.

"That looks good. What is it?" I heard the most angelic voice asked.

I told her it was deconstructed sushi in a bowl and asked how her role was as she stuffed one in her mouth. She looked adorable, I thought in my mind.

And she gave me a thumbs-up in response.

We then minded our own business. But I really wanted to get to know her.

Deep in my thoughts, I never realized how fast time went by. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you." She said as she pushed her chair back in.

Without processing what I was going to say, I just said that it was nice to meet her again and that maybe I'll see her again soon.

It was so dumb of me. I had the chance to ask for her name, but I didn't because of my anxiety. 

After eating, I decided to go home and shower and relax before heading out for my jogs.

At home, all I could think about was her gorgeous smile and how I missed the chance to ask for her name.

I took a little hour's nap before getting up and having a little banana before heading out for my jogs. 

Jogging through the evening, I decided to jog through a park that I would go through every other week.

While jogging, I saw this familiar side profile... and it's her!

I jogged closer to her. Her eyes closed, taking in the moment. I admire the way the sun hit her face at every angle. 

Making it seem like her skin is glowing.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked, hoping she would remember my voice.

"Oh, it's you again!" Her eyes looked at me, and she smiled.

I introduced myself and she introduced herself.

Serena was her name. It was beautiful.

We talked briefly before she said she had to get home since the sun wasn't out anymore.

I insisted on walking her home and she let me. 

When we arrived, I had the courage to ask for her number. We exchanged our goodbyes and I gave her a hug. I didn't know why but I just felt like I needed to.

It was about a 15-minute jog back to my place.

I showered and changed clothes before laying to bed.

I texted Serena and asked if she would like to spend a day together and thankfully, she said yes.

I genuinely want to get to know her. It just feels like it's meant to be.

We said our goodnights and I went to bed feeling warmth in my heart and chest.

When I got up in the morning, I decided to work out before getting her because I was pretty sure she would sleep in.

I texted her a good morning and about an hour and a half later I got a message back from her. I told her I was going to pick her up at 10. So it gives her about 2 hours to get ready.

And I'm thinking about taking her to this cute neighborhood cafe that I hope she'll like.

When I picked her up, she looked stunning. We talked a bit in the car, and once we got to the cafe we got seated at a table that I had reserved for us.

We talked about our careers and to my surprise, she knew who I was, but she didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to seem like a crazy fan. haha.

We joked around and laughed at the cafe, and once we were done. I asked her if she had any plans. She said No and we decided to spend the day together.

I really had an amazing breakfast with her. I genuinely love her personality though. She seems really passionate and genuine.

I'm currently driving up north to Santa Monica so we can walk along the pier. And traffic is really bad right now...


Heyyyy. I hope you all are having a wonderful dayyyy!!! I'm really excited for future chapters that I have envisioned in my mind but I would also like to hear some of your ideas that you would like to read! Let me knowwwww. Also I will be busy this entire week but I will try my best to keep posting the chapters <333 Question of the day: What's your zodiac sign? I'm just curious haha


Word Count: 914

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