Chapter 11

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Serena's POV

I closed my eyes as I leaned against him, listening to the waves crash against the sand.

"Should we get going?" He asked as he rubbed my arm, trying to keep me warm.

I yawned and nodded my head.

Shohei got up and helped me get up as he held our shoes and my plushie that he won.

By the time we returned to land, we had already put our shoes back on, and the pier was packed with tourists and locals.

As we walked to the car, Shohei grabbed my hand as we walked the crosswalk. I didn't mind, though.

Once we got to the car, he turned on the car heater.

"Are you warm enough? I don't want you getting sick." He asked as he put directions into maps back to my place.

"I am," I said with a yawn.

"It's going to take about one hour and thirty minutes to get back to your place," Sho told me as he started backing out.

He gave me his phone to play some music. I made a little playlist for the car so I didn't have to choose a song every time it ended.

I texted my sister that I was on my way back.

We were about 10 minutes into the drive back. I closed my eyes as I held onto my plushie. I slowly started drifting off to sleep and the song that I fell asleep to was Speechless by Dan + Shay...

Shohei's POV:

I'm currently driving back to Serena's place to drop her off. I can't believe I spent my time being out all day today. I barely go out in my free time since I usually practice to improve myself almost all day.

As I drove, I found myself reminiscing about my night with Serena. 

I took her to the movies, and she fell asleep during the movie. We had gotten tacos that were so yummy, and then we went to the pier, where I won her a stuffed animal. I had also met some fans who wanted to take pictures.

Serena and I also took pictures together, and they turned out amazing.

We then ended our night just sitting on the sand, enjoying each other's presence, and I wrapped my arm around her to keep her warm.

As we sat there, I could tell that she was starting to feel sleepy, so we finally made our way back to the car.

I got to learn more about her today, and she really is a sweet and genuine person with a kind soul.

I hadn't really smiled that much before I met her, but she makes my heart feel light and airy, like I have no worries in the world to worry about.

I turn to look at her and she was sound asleep with the stuffed animal that I won for her in her arms.

 Another thing I've learned about Serena is that she is a sleepy girl. haha.

I know I only met her yesterday, but I am positive that she is a person that I want to keep in my life...



Hey all! I know it's been a while and I'm truly sorry. Like I said, I've been busy with school and such. But I do have chapters in my drafts that are ready and I'm planning on publishing them all at once when I'm finished with a bunch!

Life update: I celebrated my birthday in Anaheim and I had such an amazing time exploring it last weekend! I went to the Angels stadium for the first time, and it was pretty! I got to watch them play and the game honestly went by quickly, and we had won!!! I'm bummed that Shohei is going to leave the Angels next year, but it's for the better. lol.


Word Count: 615

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