Chapter 12

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Serena's POV:

"Serena, you're home." I heard a sweet deep voice say as they gently shook me awake.

I open my eyes and see Shohei.

"Already?" I said stretching.

I hear the car door close and Sho walking to my side to open it for me.

"Here I'll walk you to your door." Sho said with a smile.

I quickly got out and started heading to my apartment with Shohei accompanying me.

After 3 stories, we finally arrived to my door step.

I turned to him. 

"Thanks for walking me to my door. You're so kind." I said sarcastically and laughed.

"My pleasure miss. Serena" Sho said with a smile as he looked down towards me.

"Well I better head inside so my sister doesn't freak out. Ummm. Again thank you for today, I really enjoyed spending it with you!" I looked back into his chocolate-brown eyes.

"Me too Serena. Sleep well." Sho said.

We both embraced each other in a full hug before he left and before I stepped foot into my place.

As I opened the door, there was my sister. Standing in front of the door.

"So who's hoodie are you wearing." She asked with her arms crossed.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and walked past her.

"So Shohei Ohtani huh." I heard her say behind me.


She busted out laughing.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and headed to my room.

"I'm staying over for the night I told Danny (her boyfriend)." She shouted from her living room.

I entered my room and set down the plushie on my desk chair. I took the hoodie off and also set it on the chair. I'm gonna need to give it back to him.

I began to shower and get ready for bed since it was about 11 p.m.

After getting out of the shower, I finally laid in bed and I had an imessage notification.


Hey Serena. Just wanted to let you know that I had an amazing day out with you and I hope you did as well. And I told you I could win that stuffed animal for you. Hopefully, we can go out more before I start going to actual practice again for this season. Sleep well and have sweet dreams :)

I replied with

Hiiii Sho! I had the most amazing time out with you, it was really fun going around places in LA. And I never doubted you 🙄 but anyways I'm always down to go out and I'm actually free this entire week so just let me know. You have a good rest and have the sweetest dreams Shosho :)

I set on phone on my nightstand and turned to my side, grabbing a pillow to cuddle.

I shut my eyes and thought about the memories I've made today.

I still can't believe I hung out with the one and only Shohei Ohtani.



Finally in midterm season! I've been off and on with the book but I'll try to post more! I hope y'all enjoyed it! 


Word Count : 490

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