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The captain of the ship suddenly arrived and called for them. Nahida stood up, and walked behind the other three contestants he called. Wanderer followed her, his eyes moving around for any sudden movements the unconscious contestants made.

If something happened to her, the traveler won't forgive him. Well, he didn't need his forgiveness, getting an apology wouldn't fix anything. Plus, she's his only way back. Why wouldn't he protect his one way ticket to Teyvat?

Wanderer nodded at his thoughts, happy that he finally organized them while they reached the ships control room. The door closed behind them, Nahida carefully stood beside a taller man wearing a blue suit. But Wanderer gently moved her closer to the door, and took the spot next to the older man.

The captain observed them while biting the pipe inside his mouth.

"Now, what are your names?"

The green wearing child raised his hand with a smile.

"I'm Gon!"

The blonde near the wall nodded.


The old man beside Wanderer spoke next.


The captain nodded and turned to the next candidate, a short young man with a large hat. The boy glared at him, as if sensing his thoughts about his height.

The young girl next to him introduced herself first with a gentle smile.

"I'm Nahida."

The captian turned to the only candidate that hadn't introduced themselves yet. The boy crossed his arms and turned his head away before answering.


Leorio turned to him with a raised brow.

"That's your name? Wanderer?"

Leorio was taller, from his point of view, he only saw a hat. A very pretty one, but man was this 'Wanderer' short.

As if sensing his thoughts, the boy slammed his foot onto Leorios shoe. The old man immediately straightened up with a yelp.

"Ow! What the-!"

Wanderer took his foot back with a scowl, crossing his arms again.

"Shut it. Just call me whatever."

Nahida cleared her thorat, making Wanderer look at her. Her arms were croossed, and she looked at him with narrowed eyes. Wanderer 'tched' and looked away.

"You can also call him Hat Guy."

Gon looked at Wanderers hat, then nodded with a smile.

"Yeah! I like Hat Guy more!"

Kurapika covered his smile, but couldn't stop a 'pfft' from escaping at the nickname. The captain also chuckled, but then his face changed, the usual smile they were seeing since arriving was gone.

"Now, why do you want to be hunters?"

Gon was about to answer when Leorio stopped him.

"Hold it, why do we need to tell you anything? Last I checked, you're not an examiner!"

Kurapika nodded.

"I agree with Leorio. Theres no need for us to say anything."

Leorio was already mad at the little pispqueak for stepping on his foot, now this pretty boy didn't show him any respect!

"Huh? It's mister Leorio-"

"I wanna find my dad! He was a hunter too! I want to know why he left for his job! it must be an amazing job, if he left to be a hunter!"

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now