Can You Even Escape?

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Long story short, the three of them went along with the spiders to their hideout. The old man that introduced himself as Nobunaga kept a tight hold onto Wanderers throat while they walked. Gon was freed, and kept walking beside Killua. Occasionally glancing at Wanderers behind them with the spiders.

They knew who was stronger and kept a leash on him. Killua kept his growls and hatred to himself, focusing on remembering their way back.

All In all, this wasn't a bad outcome. Nahida and Leorio should've already been notified thanks to Gons quick thinking before getting caught.

Not to mention, knowing the other members was valuable information. And in their hideout as well.

"So, where is that little girl you were traveling with?"

In a split second, Nobunaga felt his throat be grabbed and squeezed. Machi frowned and threw her thread towards the kids. Both of them jumped back, but didn't run; just observing Wanderer.
Nobunaga coughed out a laugh, squeezing Wanderer closer to his chest.

"Family, that girl is? To have you react this way, I can respect it."

That glare directed at Nobunaga made him smirk.

"I couldn't care less what you think of me."


Machi wrapped her threads around the hand Wanderer was using to choke Nobunaga.

Honestly, she normally wouldn't care. Nobunaga could handle himself, but she couldn't stand back and lose another member. Losing Uvogi was enough.

Wanderer didn't want to get injured, Nahida would worry and start nagging him again. He released his hold.

"Stay away from her, perverted old man."

Nobunaga frowned.

"I'm not a pervert..."

Seeing Machi retread those threads made the kids sigh in relief. They waited for the adults to keep walking, even with that previous encounter, Nobunaga found it fun to talk about Nahida.

"What's her name? She seems polite, unlike you."

"I could say the same thing. That girl with the short, black hair looks smarter than you."

"Now that's just an insult, I'm prasing you and your sister!"

"She's not. My sister."

That made Gon and Killua glance back at him.

"She's not?"

Killua pushed Gon forward and whispered a 'mind your business, idiot' to him.

"Not a sister, your daughter?"

Wanderer found that so absurd he actually laughed. But it did made him wonder, what was Nahida to him?
Well, a therapist. She always seems to know when something is wrong. Like with that night, while they were still with Kite.

For the first time, his nen progress was stumped. He couldn't progress, and with the days, the expectation Kite had for him started to dwindle.

"Wanderer, would you say you live to exceed others expectations?"

The question came out of nowhere, but it had stopped his sulking. He stopped looking out the window to see her, she was holding a pot where a small flower lived in.


He had heard her, and still asked that. Nahida kept her gaze on the flower.

"I've noticed that. Sometimes, it seems you need expectations to thrive."

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