Meeting The Spiders Head

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Everyone saw the way Kurapikas hands trembled as he clutched the phone in his hands. The news of a massacre at the hands of the Phantom troupe wasn't the headline, it was their death. Each of the eleven members had their corpse exploited on the internet for everyone to see.

Kurapika didn't bother to read all the comments under each photo that showed the bloody corpses. He couldn't even believe these young, teenagers were the reason his clan was killed.

"... How..."

It had to be fake, there's no way they would die in a police shoot-out... There's no way they would die so easily...

His vision was suddenly obscured by a hand, head slightly pulled back as he heard a monotone voice behind him.

"Calm down, only then can you do anything."

Kurapika took a deep breath before gently taking Wanderers hand off his face.

"... You're right."

When he opened his eyes, his mind was clearer.

"They must be fake, I'm sure. It's all to cancel their bounty."

His phone starred ringing, Wanderer caught the name. Melody. Kurapika stood up and answered, talking a couple feet away from them.

"Hey, Hat Guy. You remember that Pakunoda woman?"

He looked through his memory, finding the time a member had said that name.

"Miss long nose?"

She also helped in getting Hisoka away from him. That's the sign of a good person. Killua nodded before continuing.

"Kurapika figured out her ability, she can view people's memories with direct contact. But there's a drawback, she can only see the memories after asking a specific question."

Wanderer frowned, while that woman hadn't touched him, he remembered she had placed her hand on Killua head before asking about the chain user. Same with Gon.

Neither of them considered or knew Kurapika was the chain user, but it seems Killua had a feeling it was Kurapika. That's why he seemed slightly restless while telling this to Wanderer.

If certain questions make imagery appear, she'll have her answer. If Killua suspected Kurapika, there's no way he didn't imagine him when Pakunoda asked about the chain user.

"There's a chance she already knows about Kurapika, that's why we need to strike first. And kidnap Chrollo."

Wanderer glanced at Nahida while speaking. But she kept her gaze on Kurapika, most likely reading his lips or something.

"That's the plan you four came up with?"

Killua nodded.


Nahida turned her gaze to Wanderer when Kurapika came back. His face twisted into a frown of anger.

"It's official, the bounty has been erased..."

Before anyone could digest that, Kurapika kept talking.

"And, a colleague of mine has been captured. Someone that knows about my chains. It won't be long until they figure out my identity. If we're moving, it has to be now."

Everyone grew quiet as Kurapika placed the red glasses back on his face. Nahida spoke whole looking at Wanderer, hoping he wouldn't fight against her plan.

"Then, we must separate first. Leorio and I will stay back, while you four move forward. If they catch someone, it can't be all of us."

Kurapika nodded.

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