Exchange of Stories

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Kite led them inside a mansion deep into the woods. The smell of grass made Nahida feel right at home. Six people came out the mansion, watching us with caution before turning to Kite. He simply nodded and introduced us.

"Wanderer and Nahida. Everyone, introduce yourself."

They all looked... Interesting. A girl with short pink hair talked first, introducing herself with a smile.

"I'm Banana Kavaro, since Kite brought you here; I'm guessing we'll be working with you."

Nahida couldn't believe that was her actual name... But after hearing everyone's name, she noticed a certain pattern.

A man with a big afro smiled like a feline.

"I'm Stick Dinner."

A big man with white bear ears nodded at them. Speaking in a low tone they couldn't hear. The girl beside him had magenta hair.

"He's Monta Yura. I'm Spinner Clow."

The small boy beside her spoke through his beaver teeth.

"I'm Lin Koshi, nice to meet you."

A small girl with circle lips nodded after.

"Podungo Lapoy."

Most of their names... Seemed to have been made on the spot, using food as reference... Wanderer only blinked at each of them, surpising Nahida since he wasn't laughing. All of their names seemed to have been... Made on the spot? If that made any sense?

Spinner was looking at them with a slight frown.

"So, Kite. Who are they?"

"My new disciples. They'll stay with hs in the mansion while learning nen. Also, they're both hunters."

Everyone immediately smiled at them. Welcoming them just like that. It seemed like being a hunter had its benefits. But Spinner wasn't so conceived. Nahida looked like a literal child, she was sure Wanderer had carried her through the exam. She didn't say anything and kept chewing her gum, being more sure of her theory as Wanderer handed her his hat to cover from the sun.

"Now, it's time to see which nen type they are. Lin, can you bring the glass of water over?"

Lin nodded and ran inside the mansion, coming back with a glass of water. Yura grabbed it once he tripped, stopping it from falling and breaking, handing it to Kite afterwards. Kite walked to a tree stump and placed it down, snatching a falling leaf and placing it above the water.

"Now, both of you have your aura opened. So I need you to injected onto this glass of water."

Wanderer was skeptical, but he leaned down so Nahida could try it first.

"This is how we'll know our nen type?"
Kite nodded.

"Correct. The reaction will tell us everything."

Since their 'nen' was elemental power, Nahida placed her hands around the glass. Taking a deep breath before the end of her hair glowed green. Spinner raised a brow at the display, glancing at Kite who kept his eye on the leaf. As expected, the leaf moved on its own.
Nahida blinked and glanced at Kite.

"Manipulator, Wanderer was right."

He smiled at being right while Nahida sighed in relief.

"That means, I'll manipulate objects, and people. Right?"

Kite nodded.

"Not only that, each type has a percentage that means you can learn skills from other nen types."

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now