Scars All Around

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Out of three matches, Gon won one agaisnt Nobunaga. The moment the samurais hand smashed agaisnt the stone, silence surrounded them. Wanderer smirked at their stunned silence, but it vanished when he heard Hisoka chuckle.

Nobunaga laughed before taking his hand back. Seeing Gon struggle to move his injured arm off the stone as the members all glanced around at each other.

"Oi, how about a new member?"

Feitan sighed, he knew why Nobunaga was saying this. The little boy was simple, and strong. Like a certain member the chain user has captured.

"I'll make sure they don't escape and wait for Chrollo. Then, we'll have two new members."

Hisoka nodded with a smile, tightening his grip on Wanderer.

"Then, I'll keep an eye on this one."

Wanderer rolled his eyes while gritting his teeth.

"Get a damn life."

A woman with short, blonde hair and a purple office suit shaked her head.

"Well need you with us. Hisoka."

The clown didn't say anything, but his smile dwindled. He finally moved away from Wanderer.

"Can we leave Hat Guy over here to Nobunaga?"

Nobunaga laughed.

"Come on, I can handle two kids and a small one with a big hat."

Wanderer narrowed his eyes at him. Nobunaga would come to regret saying that.

But for now, he pushed them inside a dirty room. He sat down right in front of the door, katana between his thighs as he observed them. Wanderer huffed before sitting in the same way, crossing his arms as the kids followed suit.

All the silence was awkward, Gon and Killua looked at each other. Suddenly, Gon frowned.

'How do we get out of here?"

Killua turned his head away with his lips pushed forward.

'How would I know?'

Gon leaned back slightly with open eyes.

'You don't know!?'

Killua tilted his head with a frown, moving his hands to gesture, 'are you serious?'

'I can't be the only one thinking!'


They turned to Wanderer, his narrowed eyes hidden behind his hat seemed to convey a plan.

"... What are you three plotting?"

Nobunaga was observing them, he suddenly sighed and leaned forward.

"You three, how would you feel if someone dear to you, someone you consider family, suddenly went missing?"

Killua raised a brow while thinking about his family. If they didn't return in a year, they definitely kicked the hay. That'd be nice, he would celebrate with some chocolate and booze.

He felt a stare directed at him, when he turned, Gons blinking gaze greeted him.

"... I would be sad."

Wanderer kept his gaze down without answering.

"Yeah, being sad is normal."

Nobunaga nodded at Gons words.

"That's not all, I'm also worried. The bastard can hold his own, but, it's been too long."

His frown and worried tone made Killua uncomfortable. Can he go back to an annoying old man, please...?

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