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Wanderer took his time flying around the island, hiding above trees and observing anyone that passed by. Hanzo was by far their hardest challenge.

To make things easier, and ensure their victory, Nahida decided to organize a plan that involved both of their powers. Following after Hanzo, a stealth expert, would be nearly impossible for them without catching Hanzo off guard first.

Sneaking up on him, following after him, all of it had a low percentage for success. But they needed to know where Hanzo was at all times for their estrategy to work.

That's why, Nahida found Hanzo on the boat and made a small picture frame with her fingers. Doing the same for her target, Shishito. The dendro mark would stay on them for an entire week with the amount she placed on each one.

Now, they can follow the green marks to find them. But, Wanderer had a frown on his face as he saw her do this.

"You said you wouldn't use your powers, since they're limited."

She, had no excuse to give him. So at the time, she simply smiled and said, 'don't worry. This didn't take much, if any at all.'

But even now, as he jumped from one branch to the next, his scowl was still there. Whether it was because of her, Kurapika, or both, she wasn't sure.

"Wanderer, there's only one more phase after this one. Netero told me so, we can't afford to mess up now. We're so close to that information, of a way home..."

Wanderer sighed and looked down,choosing to focus on his steps more than his words.

"Even so, there's no point if you start shrinking."

Nahida hummed in agreement, she couldn't argue with that...

"Yes, you're right... So, what if I don't use any of my powers after this?"

Wanderer glanced at her, seeing his attention was enough for her to continue.

"I want to guarantee a license for us, and the people here have abilities we don't fully understand yet."

He knew she was talking about Hisoka.

"I don't want to take any chances, so... Can you forgive me this once?"

Even so, her words tomd him that she didn't trust him to find the ninja, and had to use her powers because of it. He hummed in response and kept running above the trees.

Nahida noticed his sour mood, and lowered her gaze with a frown. The silence continued, with Nahida simply stating a 'there,' or, 'this way,' to guide Wanderer towards Hanzo.

Nahida kept glancing his way, trying to see when she should speak. She knew every relationship had good moments, and bad ones. But she hated this silence, his blank expression, and tye silent treatment she was receiving.

It wasn't until dawn came, that he finally huffed, stopped on a tree branch and gently placed her there, she sat still as he settled on the spot next to her. Nahida started at him, until he finally caved in and looked at her.


It was clear that Wanderer wanted to talk, and so did she. They can find their targets later.

"You're still mad at me, right?"

He huffed and rolled his eyes, having to smile at the dumb question she made.


"Don't lie, Wanderer. You're more irritated than usual. Also-"

Nahida moved her bags up, showing a small patch of red skin that would undoubtedly swell in a few hours.

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now