Chapter 2

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The next few days passed by in a blur, and I didn't have any encounters with Madison.

"I can't believe you."

Luca and Lila were having one of their many argument, though this one was definitely cracking me up. They were arguing about food, which would had been sensible if they were discussing ways to end world hunger. Unfortunately, the argument was about whether a hotdog was a sandwich or not.

This had to be on my top three list of their banters. Lila believed it was whereas Luca didn't.

When they asked what I thought, I turned to find them both gazing at me expectantly.

"I think hotdogs are great." I replied.

"No, is it a sandwich or not?"

"Um, I don't know." I muttered.

They resumed arguing as we continued making way to class.

"Kay, could you up look the meaning of a sandwich?"

"Yeah." I said, fishing my phone out of my back pocket to make the search.

"A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat placed between or on two slices of bread." I read out. 

"See, hotdogs are sandwiches." Lila exclaimed.

Rolling his eyes, Luca spoke under his breath "Whatever."

"See you guys later" Lila muttered as she walked away to Art, while I and Luca walk into Chem.

The teacher hadn't arrived yet so the chatter continued. Luca and I found our way to the middle where there were three seats. As we sat beside each other, I let my thoughts pull me away.

Mr Schaeffer, our teacher walked in with a frown taking command of the class with his presence. The loud chatter died down, students took out their books ready for the class to begin.

The new girl, Fiona, was seated behind Luca and I, class was ongoing when I hear a small;

"Kayla, Kayla"

I chose to ignore whoever was trying to get my attention, probably trying to pull another stupid prank on me.

"Kayla, can I get a pen?"

"The ink in mine has been exhausted."

Pulling out a pen from my backpack, handed it to Luca who then passed the pen to her.

"Thanks." I nodded in response, before paying attention to the teacher.

The class seemed as though it took eternity to end as Luca and I were about to walk out,  Fiona came up to us and said, " Hey, here's your pen. Thanks again."

"She seems nice." Luca remarked as Fiona ran off, both of us walking in a comfortable silence as we made our way to the next period.

At lunch, the twins were having another one of their banters, though this time I'm so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't even realize it started.



The voice caused me to flinch.

"Are you okay?" Lila inquired, placing a hand on my shoulder.

The action makes me jerk her hand off me. I'm not good at having physical contact with people; other than mum, the twins were the only people I could touch without freaking out. However, it was still a struggle for me to let them touch me.

KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now