Chapter 9

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It's Saturday, the twins decided to show up at my house without informing me which totally fine.

The heads up would've enabled me get ready earlier, when they arrived I was in some Pj's with my hair resembling a bird's nest.

I had to let them in before rushing to get ready, now we're all seated on the couch eating breakfast while watching our favourite Disney cartoon, Aladdin.

Lila sings "A Whole New World" in a muffled tone pertaining to the food still in her mouth.

"Lila shut up and swallow first, besides you sound like a dying eel."
Luca teases.


"Luca, that was too harsh. Apologize."
I ask, knowing the consequences if an apology is not given.


"You sound worse than me when you sing."
She retorts.

The twins love dragging me into their banters, Luca turns facing me asking;

"Do I have an horrible voice?"

"No, of course not."

"There you have it, you're simply jealous of my voice."
Sticking out his tongue to Lila causing her roll her eyes at his childishness.

"You both have great voices ok?"

They answer in unison.

"So how's the journal going?"
Luca begins.

"It's good."

"Anything I could help with?"

"Not now, probably later though."

"Thanks for asking."

"It's nothing"

We spend the day watching movies, doing homework and having some random discussions.

They're about to leave when I engulf Lila in a hug, before moving on to Luca and soon Lila joins in we stay there sometime before we let go.

"What was that about?"
Lila queries.

"I just missed hugging you two."

"My favourite part is that you initiated the hug, I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, but it's just one hug."

"I know, still it means so much to us you know right?"

"I do"

After the twins leave I begin clearing up the remaining stuff to be gathered when my phone buzzes in my pocket opening the caller ID to see it's Dad, my heart starts racing, hands shake causing my phone to fall to the ground.

Dad rarely calls and when he does, he only reminds me of why he left and how we are not good enough for him. To mum, he's trying to amends for the years he lost with me but in her absence, he's cruel always searching for ways to hurt me.

The first time he came after leaving I was twelve then, he had come so we supposedly re-connect and mum believe him but each time I was at his house or he was here I would be nothing to him especially in mum's absence.

Mum still doesn't know about it neither do the twins, Dr Sarah does though. She believes I'll someday be capable of telling them everything so for now it's between us.

Allowing the call end but then the phone starts ringing again, so after taking a deep breath I answer,


"Didn't you see my call?
He yells.

"I didn't, I wasn't with the phone."


KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now