Chapter 13

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Today's my session with Dr Sarah and I'm nervous, you'd think with the countless times I have been there I would be used to everything, the nerves settling in now are same as the ones I experienced on the day of my first session.

I'm better, the twins aren't upset with me anymore. Fiona has been ok, things have been good so far.

Dad hasn't called since that day, the nightmares aren't as often anymore. Although, the dangerous thoughts invading my mind aren't gone they are less.

Yet, the less they've become the more dangerous they are. A lot has happened over these last few weeks and I'm unable to figure out a way to tame these thoughts.

With the alarming rate at which these thoughts enter my mind, I know there's a lot I have to tell Dr Sarah, which could ruin the progress I have made in her eyes.

It's important that she's aware though, if not it could end terribly.

The twins are aware of my absence from school today, so they'll just send me notes.

Mum's at work so I'm gonna meet her up there, she's been working late nights for some time now hence her absence at home.

Taking a quick look at my reflection in the mirror after awarding myself with a pep talk before heading to the hospital.

The drive is quite smooth, with the breeze blowing strands of hair into my face. Cold air hitting my skin as I drive by a lake, the entire scenery I pass by brings me peace.

Soon, I'm awaiting my turn to be called into Dr Sarah's office.

After a few more minutes of waiting, I hear my name being called by the nurse.

The nerves kick in once again as I walk into the office, she's by a desk scanning through some papers.

The sound of the chair pulled back so I could sit grasps her attention.

"Oh morning Kayla"

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good, you?"


She answers taking her seat, before reviewing my chart on the computer.

"So how has things been since our last session?"

"It's been ok?"

"You sound so uncertain Kayla."

"Fine, it hasn't been the best for a while now."

Her eyes drift away from the computer as she gazes at me urging me to continue.

"So what had happened?"

She whispered.

"Dad called."

I begin.


"He had called to inform me that he was going to be visiting us soon, as a result some of those thoughts and nightmares became often."

"What thoughts?"

She inquired.

She shifted in her seat as my eyes met hers aware of my response, yet she wanted to hear it from me.

I had trouble meeting her gaze,

"The ones I was having when I had first started seeing you."

She listens intently, her gaze firm on me.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, I almost had a fallout with the twins."

"What happened?"

KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara