Chapter 15

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The rumors over the course of two weeks is slowly dying down, school has been exhausting as usual. With the upcoming science test due Friday, the twins and I have been on a huge study streak.

Luca has mastered the art of multitasking hence, he sits across the table with earplugs in whilst reading the science textbook placed in front of him. The room is filled with silence we are absolved in various materials.

About a few hours later, someone heaves a deep sigh shutting their book. "I am so hungry," Luca cries.

"Oh come on, you're always hungry."

Lila mocks.

Before one of their banters could begin, I interject, "To be fair, you're both always hungry."

At my response their face contorts into frowns, sending me in a fit of giggles. My laughter halts when I find luca staring to which I question, " Why are you staring?"

"Maybe cuz you're making fun of us while we're all so hungry. C'mon, let's go make something to eat."

He responds extending his hand out for me, helping me rise to my feet. "Where are you two headed?" Lila probes, removing her earplugs.

"We're gonna make dinner, you coming?"
Luca responds.

"Sure, I'll be done with this soon. You guys go in."

We head to the kitchen ready to make a nice pepperoni cheese pizza. As Luca kneads the dough, I saute the sauce while prepping other things. After the dough and sauce are ready, I'm grating the mozzarella cheese and soon we're putting the pizza in the oven.

Lila strolled inside only a few minutes after the dough was prepared, she helped with chopping the vegetables. A couple minutes later, the timer goes off indicating that our food is ready. As I get the pizza out of the oven, the twins help set the table.

Soon we're all seated ready dig into our meal. Taking the first bite, Lila lets out

"Gosh, this is so good."

"Yeah it is."  

Luca concurs.

"Since we're staying over, what do you think we should watch for movie night?"
Luca questions.

"We could do Corpse Bride?"

I suggest.

"Ok then, let's finish dinner first."
Luca answers.

Lila stops scrolling through her phone soliciting, "Has anyone heard from Fiona this past two weeks? She's been absent for awhile now."

"No I haven't, I had tried calling but there was no reply." I respond.

"Do you have any info about her family? I mean, there is a test next week and she probably has no idea."

Luca reasons.

"True she's missed school a few times here and there, but not for two straight weeks. Something has to be wrong."

He concludes.

"Wait, you're saying Fiona has missed school a couple times and you guys didn't dim it fit to let me know?"

I question in disbelief.

"Guys, the last time she was at school she didn't look fine."

"We could try getting the principal to give us her address?"

Lila suggests.

"Okay let's do that."

The look on her face the last time I saw her  flashes in my mind whispering "What's going on with you Fiona?"

KAYLA ROSE [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now