1: Smashing Start

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There was a name.

It was hers but it had been traded away. A second chance she was promised by the small, pleased child. He wasn't a child, just what some sanity-chipping being decided what a child should look like to converse with her.

Perhaps it derived some perverse pleasure from her squirming consciousness.

"A name for a chance? I'm being very fair," he promised. She knew it was a trick.

"Of course it is, that's the 'name' of the game," the child had laughed with delight. She had felt stars shiver at the noise.

"Now... maybe we'll talk again when you become interesting. Now, I have to go meet the others, maybe you'll meet them one day?" the thing said casually.

Then she twisted, breaking into a thousand shards that shattered into countless motes that sundered into the basic existence of the universe.

Then she was slapped together with little care and left in the smallest...darkest....room.

She turned and stared up the single tunnel that was quickly digging itself until it stopped and sunlight pierced her.

She turned, trying to move, slightly moving forward with no real sensation.

Then with a moment of shock, she looked down.

There was nothing there. Empty air where a body and legs should have been.

She turned.

A pulsing orange orb about the size of an orange sat encrusted in a single stalagmite. The sunlight hitting the orb made the room glow with light.

She moved closer and peered into the orb.

The light showed a tiny shadow in the amber like glass.

It was a perfectly round object that pulsed with a tiny light. On that orb, the fainting symbol could be seen.


She shuddered.


This thing was... her?

She was just a number to that thing. Not the first... definitely not the last.

Well... at least she wasn't a tree or a frog!

Hopeless optimism was better than screaming fear was what she told herself.

The house may be on fire but at least she was warm!

Ugh... she was going to die here as some orb thing.

Without a name? No, she needed a name, something to defined herself and used to hold herself together with.

She pulled something that seemed to float by as she just stared at the orb.


It was kinda four-ish. It was better than Orby or screaming-wailing-ghost-girl. Definitely better than just 'victim number four'.

So she, Delta, go to work on the next problem she had to tackle.

Mostly, why did the creepy-demon-child thing think she was going to be interesting as... an orb?

Delta looked about and saw the walls were hard packed dirt, loose stones and not a lot else.

Charming, she was underground, a ghost, and bound to an orb. Delta tried to march right up the tunnel but with a small pause saw a completely white wall where the sun was a moment ago.

She took ten steps back and the vision of some dense grass hills appeared.

Delta took a step forward, the outside world vanished.

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