8: What Wicked Web We Weave

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Delta watched as Francois gulped down another cream coloured mushroom; he looked to be rather enjoying it. The mushroom had taken a little over an hour to develop but when it finished, a little kitchen timer in Delta's head went off.

It was cute, the noise, but Delta suspected she was being made fun of.

It was also concerning for later; the noise in her head when multiple developments finished would be... alarming. François looked puzzled at her snickering. Shame quickly filling her after that pun spurred her own to recheck the menu

Crunchy Mushroom: 3 Mana. A slightly odd mushroom that, while not all that good, can provide some nutrition. Leaves an aftertaste that lingers.

These mushrooms were just pale and featureless. Unlike the Gutrot, which were evil, these mushrooms seemed to make her little goblin happy as he chewed. Delta made a face as Francois smacked his little face.

Though... that might be due more to the simpleness of a goblin mind that any refined palette. Leaving the goblin to eat the rest of her harvest, Delta went to ponder what her dungeon had... and didn't have.

Gob and Hob still hadn't returned with the water. She hoped they were alright, sure they were her only means of collecting resources and cheating the system but Delta was more concerned about them just coming back.

The brothers seemed... Delta shook her head, there was no denying it. Hob and Gob were important to her in a way that if they decided to never leave the dungeon again...

Delta would provide for them, regardless. She cared for the little guys. It wasn't something she felt shame or annoyance over. The gobs had asked for nothing and saved Delta from a very... tedious start to her new life.

Providing something to look forward to each time they left and returned to tell her stories of their fetch quests. It was such a normal act, the greeting of a friend and the talk that followed, that she felt more than a little grateful towards them.

Shaking her head from such thoughts, Delta decided to do what she did best to pass time.

Mess with the menu and hope for the best.

With only 4 mana, there wasn't much she could do. The mushroom grove had proven more than its weight in cost. A way to develop less poisonous mushrooms and maybe some more interesting strains.

What other options did her less interesting purchases hide? Her fingers hovered over the spiders and bats.

Delta held her finger down.

Common Spider: A simple black spider. Creates 5 spiders per summon. These little hand-sized creatures can add atmosphere and some free decoration to your dungeon. As basic creatures, they cannot evolve unless some unique element or being is absorbed by the dungeon.Common Bat: A simple brown bat. Creates 2 bats per summoning. This average sized bat hangs about your dungeon to give it atmosphere and freak out the most easily startled of adventurers. As basic creatures, they cannot evolve unless some unique element or being is absorbed by the dungeon.

Basic creatures was a new term. Delta felt like some cliche popular girl as she read them aloud.

"Such a basic spider," she said to herself and then snorted. Delta paced a hallway, nodding to a Mushy as she passed.

Basic creatures were a classification between monster and decoration. Not really what you wanted to protect the Core but something a creative dungeon might be able to use with some excess mana to make their dungeon look more...spooky.

It seemed a little of a waste but Delta had learned her lesson after the umpteenth time since waking up. Dismiss nothing, everything is permitted. The line made sense in her head so Delta tried to imagine a use for the basic creatures.

Could the spiders make some webs to slow people down? Then the bats could... scare people?

So... just like what her menu said they would do. Delta mumbled as she turned and walked back down the hall. The pacing was great. Pacing let her feel like she was some CEO of Dungeon. Inc.

"Mr Cyclops, fetch me the 10 am readings! Dear Satan! Mr Werewolf! Have you seen these figures? Our Goblins are doing a protest! They want three more mushrooms a month!" Delta mimed throwing papers in the air.

Laughing to herself until she calmed down; Delta sighed and tried to imagine taking any of this seriously to the point she got upset over spiders and bats. Delta just didn't have time to be so asinine over the details. She'd get things done when she got them down.

That was when Hob and Gob returned, carrying a bucket that sloshed and spilt a bit of liquid on the ground.

Delta raced towards them like a kid who had been waiting all day for someone to bring her presents for Christmas. Gob poured the water onto the dungeon floor and Hob dropped some slimy rocks and pebbles.

The water soaked in and the soil dried instantly as the water was turned into Mana and DP.

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