67: Keys & Doors

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Delta watched as step one of the 'plan' was formed. The tunnel to Wyin groaned as three large stone doors formed. The thick stone sapped a lot of her Mana but Delta felt pleased as the thickness of the stone promised no one could punch through unless they were from Durence.

They were almost faceless but the System wouldn't allow Delta to simply seal the tunnel off and have no way to clear it within human limits...

In the middle of all three doors was a simple keyhole. Devina held out a similar stone key and slid it into the first lock. The key went all the way in. She stood back as the door slid down, taking the key with it. A nimble enough person might be able to snatch it back... Delta would have to add some sort of twist or catch to the door. The first door slid down to simply reveal another stone door. Frustrating but Delta was sure people would accept it if they were used to Dungeons.

Besides, the keys were more easily found after the next step in the 'plan'.

With a command, she brought the door back up and Devina took the key back.

I still think it's too much of a hint. Let them wander... information will spread before we can stop it anyway.

Delta shook her head.

"No, best to make sure we give everyone a fair shake and therefore nobody should go crazy and try to murder Bob or the frogs for keys," she replied. Devina merely looked calm as she cut in.

"We are not defenseless," she reminded Delta.

"Yeah but doesn't mean I want someone trying to gut you every moment of every day," Delta disagreed. She moved forward and adjusted her tie.

"Besides, you're the wandering guide that trades information for people's valuables," Delta commented dryly. Devina smiled pleasantly.

"Just enough to set them on the right path," she agreed. Delta closed her eyes and with a little push of Mana the surface of the stone door before her crumbled to show two images. A simplistic carving in the rock showed a bee sampling a flower and on the other side the picture of a deep pool behind a waterfall.

Lizzie and Bob. The key to the first door could be found at either. Below she scribed a simple sentence.

Face the nest of sweet but take none. Dive deep where there is no sun. One key will open the way but if it is covered in blood you will be facing the Lady of the forest this day.

Poetic. You know idiots will think they have to wash the key and not that they 'don't kill', right? Perhaps we should add a clear warning in big words?

"Sarcasm isn't handy. This is your idea and sort of mine. You wanted things to be interesting so I'm making a theme. Now onto the second! I like making rhymes like I'm some ancient elvish doormaker..." Delta grinned and the first door lowered at her command. She turned to Devina.

"Here, take this and the other key to the Bee nest and Bob's pool. Explain what they have to do. I won't be long and Nu will bind them later," Delta promised Devina as she formed a second key that was already tuned to the first Door.

She'd call it the Door of the Wild.

The next door had her thinking. Now, this needed a bit more of a personal touch. The stone shaved away from the surface of the second door to form her next two images. Two faces, one keyhole. Delta stood back to admire her work as the faces of Luna and Giant appeared. They both had an 'area' so to speak of. She would have to add a challenge to the hot springs but Giant was easy enough.

Rest your weary soul in the peaceful spring. Face the giant on the bridge, challenge his mighty swing. A test of trust and a test of skill but be warned let there be no blood drawn in lust. The thorns are watching.

A bit long but she would be worried some might take 'challenge' as some permission to kill Giant if they knocked him off the bridge. Having already made a single key for each door, Delta formed the second key as she called Luna and Giant. Their beings flickered into awareness at her call.

Luna was a flickering light of energy while Giant was more akin to a calm candle.

Delta named the second door quickly in her head. The Door of the People

Delta eyed her screen and was glad to see she had just enough Mana to finish the last door... if she didn't go overboard with the carving.

Nu had convinced her of this one but Delta was really not sure it was a good idea. The stone shivered as Delta worked on the images. Before long a series of tiny Pygmy mushrooms looked out from the door and next to them, a circus tent.
Delta felt a little uneasy sending people after the little folks but Nu assured her that they were quick on their feet. Delta guessed that being last, the adventurers might be more tired...

She got to work on the message.

The last door needs the final key. Seek the little ones in the dark. Look up in awe at the ringleader's park. The key will be found at the heart of their room. Seek not their end or you invite your doom

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